Monday, March 31, 2008


Sad face. My poor Bert has a ginormous crack in his windshield, and I won't see him til I get home tomorrow at like, 7:30. I can't handle a day without my Bert! I don't even know when the crack appeared, which is the strangest part. At the moment though, I'm watching The Soup and studying for my big ass practical exam about plant life cycles tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


This picture is technically cheating cause it was from Friday. But it holds true for today, cause today was pretty ridiculous, in that Megan visited me for like 3 hours and all we talked about was inappropriate things and ignored the customers. They make me mad sometimes anyways, and deserve to be ignored! Especially when my sanity is a stake. 
Now I'm rotting my brain by watching Kenny Vs. Spenny, and then South Park. I'm actually a 12 year old boy, in case you didn't know.


First Boloco. Then Josh's to see the puppy, Buster. So cute and floppy! Josh made drinks. White/brown Russian. Big Book of Outrageous Fun. TV. Megan! Home.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Like the chair says, :). We saw Cody's show at a church, made fun of little kids, danced, took pictures, drove to Friday's, had drinks, ate food, talked silly things, paid, sat in Megan's car and listened to Lenny's band, talked, abnormal psych, inappropriate Mad Libs, laughing, drawing on windows, ornament, boxing gloves, Thurston, music, laughing, poking, laughing, drove home. Fun!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Today I learned the definition of "Rick Roll'd", and the many ways that it can be applied to your everyday life. As you can see from my pie chart that I have so cleverly included, Rick Astley is a man that everyone should get to know. I know I want to! I only hope that he will serenade me with his soulful windpipes. Fingers crossed!


This picture has nothing to do with my day other than I just really like it. The weather finally got its act together and decided to be nice out! Too bad it will be snowing again in a few days time, I'm sure. I did some studying today for my test next week on plant life cycles. It's gonna be intense and I'm a little scared since I have to compare and contrast mosses, ferns, angiosperms and pines. AHH! End please. 
Ps- Sorry to my love for accidentally colliding into your nose with my huge teeth. I won't keep my mouth open so wide the next time I'm near your face.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Know what's really fun to me and appeals to my inherent geekiness? My school's greenhouse. For serious. It's just, so cool. There's an iguana named Pearl who just hangs around where ever she pleases, and there are all kinds of fun things to look at and touch. The only downside is the greenhouse manager man who has a little bit too much time on his hands, creepin' around and watching students. He's a little excessive. 
Ps- Look who finished before midnight this time!


Today I indulged in another of my favorite activities: turning in my coins for cold hard cash! When I find myself low on funds and enough coinage has accumulated, I make the trip to Rockland Federal Credit Union to make a little dough. It's a favorite past time of mine on a sunny day, along with vacuuming my car at a car wash and going to Castle Island for hotdogs and fries. You might think, well why would one travel all the way to Hanover to cash in coins when every Stop and Shop on the way comes equipped with a CoinStar machine? The answer is simple: it's free! Today's free coin exchange yielded me $82. Imagine that! And what did I do with said cash? I bargain shopped and found two new bags that were under $20 and some stud earrings that I've been meaning to get. I even got my necklace cleaned and inspected! It was a good day.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Today I over did it on one of my secret indulgence: reality tv. I'm disappointed in myself for just admitting it to my internet audience that I'm so in love watching other people. My preference is mostly towards ditsy women doing stupid things, such as Keeping up with the Kardashians and the Girls Next Door, but I also enjoy a good America's Best Dance Group every once in a while. Let's not even mention America's Next Top Model! It was a good day, despite my being anti-social on a holiday.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


The theme of the night was... make acquaintance with the new guy! Hence, a raucous game of Cranium. OMG SO SUCCESSFUL. I'm sososososo happy for my Megan. I can't even stand it.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I love my best friends more than anything, and it just so happens that one of them is my love. Imagine that! I'm so very lucky.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Bruins vs. Canadiens at the Garden tonight! We lost spectacularly, as they always do when we're present at a game. But we saw our first fight, which was so cool. Also worth noting, I paid $13 for a Nathan's hot dog, fries and a coffee from Dunkies. What is that world coming to!?

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Sometimes I forget how much I love all things Mario. Then I am reminded and become very happy. Like today when my Wii was loved.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This is where my love has been since yesterday afternoon. At the world's largest kaleidoscope in Upstate New York. Apparently it's all hippie-fest up there, because it's so close to Woodstock, which they also visited. Jealousss! Whatevs whatevs.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Happy St. Patrick's Day! Mondays are so lame for drinking holidays, let's not lie. Let's talk about how all the bars in Boston close or are not even open on Mondays, let alone for a Monday St. Patrick's Day. Cask N Flagon was open and featured a bagpiper, whom I enjoyed more than the beer I ordered, cause I hate beer. Jillian's was the hot spot of the night for us. I mean, they even had pool tables and bowling! Not that we utilized them, but to know that they were there should we feel the need was pretty cool! Next time maybe. 
With all that walking we did to find a good bar, we ended up at the only two open, no cover-charge bars on the same Lansdowne St. Whatevs!

Things I knew but realized today: Don't leave food in a bag for many moons and then expect the bag to be useable. 

Monday, March 17, 2008


Seriously. What's going on with my life. I'm lethargic, I'm lying, stealing, drinking, a no-future, good-for-nothing, selfish bitch. I can't control anything in my life that has any worth and every single day feels like a rickety wooden roller coaster that won't let me off. I put on this stupid happy face, but I can't help feeling like I'll never be happy again. I have no self-confidence, I hate my awkward body and no one takes me seriously. I have no idea how to change myself. 

This picture has no meaning to the post other than it says "crazy" on it and I like the movie.

EDIT: It was a badbad day. All is well, so no worries til next month around this time.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


OMG new favorite. I loooooove it, starting today. Megan's = booze, liquor store, more booze, Leonard, Cranium, WIN, shots (many), pictures (many), dancing, broken glasses, WORSH, pictures, driven home, collapse.

Things.. I learn: I like drinking. Happy St. Patrick's/Evacuation Day on monday!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I was so full of FAIL today, mainly because I feel like I take on other people's FAIL. It just felt like a badbad day. 

I have a very hard time getting up and doing something because it's just too easy to sit still. Motivation, I lack it. Hopefully this will be the Spring Break of getting caught up.

I want to be good at something, and I want to have a good future. I don't want to hold back anymore but I'm so so afraid of myself and what I'm (not)capable of. I can't really explain it, but I'm so scared that it makes me want to cry.  

Things I knew but realized today: I'm pretty selfish and I don't know how to stop. 

Friday, March 14, 2008


I just barely missed today's post, and it's only the second day! See? This is how I am. :P 
We showed up at the Paradise tonight with the knowledge that the show was already sold out. Did that stop us? Hellz no! We asked around and by some stroke of luck we were able to score two. It was kind of fun in a way to go about it half-assed. I love Jose Gonzales, more so now than before. He's amazing live and he has this way of quieting down the entire room. It's eerie and mesmerizing and made me sleepy. Then we got out late, took the T to JFK, waited for the busses, no (in service) busses, walked from JFK to school and our cars. When we walked through the school to get to the other side, the people hired to clean barely gave us a second glance. That was strange.

In other news, I hung around with Vincent today during my three hour break between classes. Always a fun time with Vincent. 

Things I knew but realized today: I hate being late and get super pissy if it means it influences later plans negatively.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


My newest internet project, born out of my inability to cope with the pressures of more important tasks. My goal is to make this blog, and my attention to it, last a full year! It's kind of an interesting time in my life where I just can't make up my mind as to what I want to do with what I've been given. Maybe this will help? Not likely, but it will be a little start.

Jose Gonzalez at the Paradise tomorrow? Hopefully we can get in.