Friday, March 14, 2008


I just barely missed today's post, and it's only the second day! See? This is how I am. :P 
We showed up at the Paradise tonight with the knowledge that the show was already sold out. Did that stop us? Hellz no! We asked around and by some stroke of luck we were able to score two. It was kind of fun in a way to go about it half-assed. I love Jose Gonzales, more so now than before. He's amazing live and he has this way of quieting down the entire room. It's eerie and mesmerizing and made me sleepy. Then we got out late, took the T to JFK, waited for the busses, no (in service) busses, walked from JFK to school and our cars. When we walked through the school to get to the other side, the people hired to clean barely gave us a second glance. That was strange.

In other news, I hung around with Vincent today during my three hour break between classes. Always a fun time with Vincent. 

Things I knew but realized today: I hate being late and get super pissy if it means it influences later plans negatively.

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