Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I knew it was time to turn off the Wii when it said I earned a golden steering wheel for winning 50 games in a row. I will take my award for Biggest Loser now, thankyouverymuch! Speaking of driving, I watched my life flash before my eyes today when an old man with one completely flat tire decided to drive in the breakdown lane, through a red light, next to me. Not only was it through a red light, but it was at an exit from a highway with a Stop and Shop trailer coming nanoseconds afterward through the intersection. I nearly had a heart attack. There should really be an age or some sort of special test for old people to determine when their licenses should be taken away.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Crazy looking sky tonight! Actually, crazy looking sky all day long. During my daily Tues/Thurs nap in my car, I watched the rain go from downpour to blinding sunshine back to downpour, all in the span of like an hour. Boston weather is so so strange. Also of note, in lab we watched Betta fish display signs of aggression, crickets getting it on, and worms preferring a moist towel to a dry one. 

Monday, April 28, 2008


I spent the last 6 hours playing Mario Kart Wii, and I am kicking so much ass! It hurt my back after a while, but the pain was sweet. So awesome. That was my day, basically! AND I got an 85 on my biology test. AHH! Who would have thought?!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


This is the body plan of a trout that I must know for tomorrow. Instead of studying for my big ass exam, I am Facebooking, not too long before I watched Cloverfield, and then I watched all the special features. This is me stalling. Earlier I played chess at work, ignored some customers, talked to Megan and snacked on junk food. Just a regular old Sunday!


In honor of the upcoming farewell show this Friday, tonight was dedicated to all things TREOS. After madly searching for Casey's birthday, we took a drive around town and screamed all the songs at the top of our lungs (my voice may or may not be gone tomorrow). I don't know about the others, but I make up the words as I go along. Sorry! It happens.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


So what if I have rippling arm muscles! I'm just so amazing, no one can handle it. I dislike "Make fun of Christine" night. Did I mention that I saw two different ladybugs yesterday? It must mean that I'm going to be lucky soon. Also, I found several ants in the store today. We may have an insect problem.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I was all about the new Starbucks Pike's Place coffee. For some reason a little Starbucks van was at school giving out samples and you know I was all over that. The actual time spent in the classroom today pales in comparison to the time spent outside sunning waiting for the classes to start. I sat in a tree and people stared at me. Then I lay down on the grass, and an Asian family walked by and took a picture of me. What's with all this picture business lately? My fingers look a little freakish in this picture, by the way.


You can't really see it very well, but I just noticed that the man in blue has his tongue sticking out like a goon. There was this random Wellness Expo thing going on in the Campus Center today, where all these new age people preached their products to anyone unlucky enough to get too close. David and I were stopped by SmartWater, and told to drink it. It tasted like water to say the least, but I won a chap stick in the shape of their product! Then we were holistically cleansed by these nutty old women who put their hands all over us. Lame but funny. My picture was taken again by the photo man. He's getting to be a real nuisance.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I had my eyes closed and everything when I remembered I didn't write here yet! It's important that I tell you about the trippy hippie movie, Across the Universe, that I watched today. It even had my fave Eddie Izzard in it. So so so good. I recommend and want to live in the 60s.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It was just such a nice day out today! I sat outside for so long, delaying my homework and listening to the radio. It was pretty wonderful. I hopehopehope the weather stays like this from now on.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


It was Mary and Derek's wedding shower today. An entirely ornate and ridiculous ordeal. The finger foods were tasty, and i inhaled the cake. It was from Konditermeister and therefore amazing. I knew maybe 10 people there total, and I think the 10 people I knew were thinking the same thing. It was still nice though.


It was a strange day. At work, there were a bunch of wildly out of control kids running around, which is kind of unusual. They included a little brat who was hitting the name mug spinner with a shovel and yelled "UGH, DIE!" at them. Then my mum visited, followed shortly by Megan. Megan got a call and ran off to the Red Sox game, lucky biatch. Lenny came and I closed the store. We went to Olive Garden for dinner (and it reminded me of that time with Miss Crystal and everyone!) and attempted to go to Ikea, but it was going to close within the 10 minutes that we got there. So then to Newbury Comics and got Across the Universe which I can't wait to see, and a mini cactus plant. Then MISS CRYSTAL texted me and asked that we see her new apartment! So we did and there were a million people there, we didn't know (and neither did either of the two apartment owners) being really loud. We met her hamster Albert! And compared cute pictures. And sat awkwardly in a corner. It was interesting indeed.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Tonight was a very special date night for Megan and I. First, we got subs/wraps at D'Angelos. Then we drove to Hull and ate them in the parking lot of the beach. We saw a family lead by a little boy (9ish?) with his hand down his pants to the elbow, teenagers making out on the ledge in front of us, a bunch of cops, creepin' men, and tow trucks. Said hi to the O'Shea residence, and listened to the Dear Hunter, and found a strange piece of art to walk in. Learned once more how to pump gas. Found a scary house. Wanted to pick a flower. Saw Boston from a far, romantically. Ended up at our favorite late-night hang out, and talked to Thank-You-For-Your-Patience. Two boys sat in the car behind us and did the exact same thing as we were. Music. Making eye contact. Christian Something-or-other from Project Runway, but in woman form. Went home. Fin!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Jamie's 21st birthdaaaaay!! She's so special. I had a sunrise margarita, a strawberry margarita and a cucharacha shot (SO AWESOME). I'm not going to school tomorrow. 


This is me in cat form. LOL FAIL.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Also, I dissected a squid (and smelled of formaldehyde), ate tacos, and took a step toward next semester and a brand spankin' new major.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm so exciiiiiiiited!!!! I can't contain it. I just can't. I just saw the trailer online and it even has the same feel as the classics, and they don't skirt around the fact that Harrison Ford is now mad old. I love it. OMG I'm going to have a movie marathon beforehand to get me into it. Eek! 
Today was average, by the way.


I just saw this online on a t-shirt, and it pertains to yesterday. LOL I think it's pretty funny, though I might throw up a little if I were ever to own such a shirt. I hate pickles. Hate. 
Work was mad slow, and I spent it, you guessed it, playing my new fave thing: chess. And I got my ass handed to me. I may have to make a new account at and start all over. 

Sunday, April 13, 2008


The Game of Life: Numero Dos! This time with a vengeance and a different group of people! Note the difference in the game board and the pieces and the money/everything else display. It's all weird and unfamiliar. Still lots of fun though. Then we watched viral videos including, unfortunately, "Shake that Bear." Ew.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


In the game of life... sometimes you get two and a half car's worth of kids. It's just a lesson that we will all need to learn in time. And other times... you get a pickle rubbed all over your car. But you know, it happens! We won't recount the pickle incident here cause it was not one of my finest moments, and I apologize to all involved. That pretty much sums it all up for today.

Also, I picked up internet chess. And it's my blog's one month anniversary!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Well today was interesting! Firstly, a stats test. That sucked and the bitch who was copying off of me last time attacked the seat next to me so she could do it again. Oh ho ho! This time she was sadly mistaken. My break was taken at home, so that was very nice. Panera. Traffic. Skipped film class cause we were late. Whatevs! Took a nap. Went to the library and saw Alabama Cory! We walked around outside since it was so fabulous out. Saw the athletic center, and a Turkish man who was playing basketball by himself. Therefore Cory jumped in a played for a little bit. Since I hate basketball I was happy to sit the game out. Then I had my writing class and realized that I missed a summary paper that I was supposed to write. It's okay though. The class is pass/fail anyways.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well today seemed far too good to be true. But of course, in true Christine-fashion, there was that moment at the very end that made me want to stop and find a newspaper to search the apartment ads and get out of my crazy house. Is it really necessary for a person of my age to still have a curfew, and then to have utterly ridiculous consequences after said curfew is inexplicably broken? I think not. Can someone please give me money so I can get out of here?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Remember yesterday when I said that I'm kind to all animals? Might be a little stretch when you consider what I did to one today. I was not very nice, even though it was not up to me whether or not I wanted to participate in the dissections (kinda). Sorry fishies!

Then later, Megan came to UMB and we drove to AIB where I witnessed the creepy and disturbing kid who stalks her! Drove to Saugus to Lenny's and then to O'Brien's for his show. Jamie and Rachael joined our groupieness and we proceeded to be hit on by sketchy old singing men. Afterward we finished off with an unnecessary amount of Uno's deep dish cookie sundae. It was obscene, just the way I like it! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Crikey! I found this beaute swimming in the wild formulas of binomial probability. If I hadn't saved him, the statistical shock of his life would have killed him! Good thing I'm kind to animals of all shapes and sizes.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


The word "phylum" makes me sad too. Especially when I have a big exam on several of them tomorrow. Sorry for being a complainer-pants, but I'm really nervous about it. Must.. study.. Is it summertime yet please?


Gratuitous tipping tonight at Not Your Average Joe's! The waiter was ridiculous and therefore right up our alley. BTW, apparently "therefore" can be spelled correctly with and without the final E. I wonder if there is a rule associated with it. I will have to look it up in my Diana Hacker Grammar manual. Hmm indeed.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


This is the only relevant picture that I could use from today becaaaause, I still haven't figured out how to upload my videos from my video camera. I'm so disgruntled about it. I might as well go to an Apple store and ask them about it.
We went to Jamie's and played Cranium as per usual. Always a wonderful time!

Friday, April 4, 2008


I reached a new low in my writing class today! I wrote my paper 2 and a half hours before it was due. Faaantastic! I'm obviously going to revise it though, cause my teacher is chill. This of course, was following my daily nap in my warm car. Naps are totally my favorite. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Castle Island is seriously one of my favorite places in the whole wide world. It's probably the memories of everything that I've done there, but it just makes me so happy. It's such a calm and peaceful place to just relax. And to watch people from a far and make fun of them, which is mostly what Megan and I did when we visited today. What a crazy crazy old man we met! He enjoyed telling dog stories, and as we heard by lurking on him, he has different ones for everyone he meets! He was chill.


There was some sort of protest today outside the campus center. I LOL'ed.. Mad traffic today, but I won at both my lab practical and my film midterm, so it's all good. 

Things I knew but realized today: I'm freakin' lazy!