Saturday, April 19, 2008


Tonight was a very special date night for Megan and I. First, we got subs/wraps at D'Angelos. Then we drove to Hull and ate them in the parking lot of the beach. We saw a family lead by a little boy (9ish?) with his hand down his pants to the elbow, teenagers making out on the ledge in front of us, a bunch of cops, creepin' men, and tow trucks. Said hi to the O'Shea residence, and listened to the Dear Hunter, and found a strange piece of art to walk in. Learned once more how to pump gas. Found a scary house. Wanted to pick a flower. Saw Boston from a far, romantically. Ended up at our favorite late-night hang out, and talked to Thank-You-For-Your-Patience. Two boys sat in the car behind us and did the exact same thing as we were. Music. Making eye contact. Christian Something-or-other from Project Runway, but in woman form. Went home. Fin!

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