Friday, April 11, 2008


Well today was interesting! Firstly, a stats test. That sucked and the bitch who was copying off of me last time attacked the seat next to me so she could do it again. Oh ho ho! This time she was sadly mistaken. My break was taken at home, so that was very nice. Panera. Traffic. Skipped film class cause we were late. Whatevs! Took a nap. Went to the library and saw Alabama Cory! We walked around outside since it was so fabulous out. Saw the athletic center, and a Turkish man who was playing basketball by himself. Therefore Cory jumped in a played for a little bit. Since I hate basketball I was happy to sit the game out. Then I had my writing class and realized that I missed a summary paper that I was supposed to write. It's okay though. The class is pass/fail anyways.

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