Thursday, April 30, 2009


I can't even tell you how disappointed I'll be if it turns out that Daniel Faraday dies on LOST. He has so much work left to do! He's like, THE scientist who knows what's going to happen. So what if he left his journal behind with all his doodles? It's not like anyone will be able to cipher them anyways. Also, I LOLed when it turns out that he's Penny's brother/Desmond's brother-in-law. It seems like everyone is related in some ridiculous way or another. I LOVE IT.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


It was totally summer today! I was so happy, even though it was like, oppressively hot. Whatevs. But then later when it got a little cooler, these scary clouds rolled in and I was so sure we were going to have a kickass thunder and lightning show! But alas, I didn't see any of it. Wah wah.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


As it was such a nice day again, we took our first trip to Rockport of the season. It's so quaint and calm there, I wish I could live there. At least for a little while. Or maybe not since going there at all is such a treat, I wouldn't want to ruin it by staying all the time. Yes, better to go only a few times a year and get my fill of Top Dog and elephant ears and hiding amongst the big rocks. I love Rockport.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Besides yet another beautiful day occurred that I had to spend inside (at least most of the good parts) while everyone else was frolicking at the beach. Ugh! Damn you toys! You ruiner of lives! Also, this is officially my 400th post.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I can't even believe the nice weather we're having! To celebrate, Lenny and I had a romantic walk on the beach, took many experimental pictures and ate lots of ice cream (while watching the Office and Grey's Anatomy). 

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Megan's Senior Thesis show was tonight! We fought the throngs of Red Sox fans to get to the show and it was very cool. All of her pictures were beautiful and full of meaning and special and stuff. Afterward we went to a bar where we got a big room reserved for us that included a pool table and tv and its own bathroom! So neat. We had a lot of fun.

Friday, April 24, 2009


A new alliance has been formed and dubbed 'Team Friendship and Happiness' with meetings falling on Thursday nights at a certain Chili's with certain select individuals. Complicated parking may be a factor, "how close are we, besides touching?"

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Another visit to Bass Pro Shops was in order today, this time with my love! It was such a crappy day out though that we weren't able to enjoy all that Patriot Place had to offer. What a bummer!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


After a long and hard day at school (at which I fought to stay awake), I joined Megan for some happy and delicious sushi and noodles at Jack's. So so good. It was a spice-filled dinner which made my stomach hate me a little, though not enough for me to actually care. And look at these adorable salt and pepper shakers! They're totally going at it.

Monday, April 20, 2009


If the gangsta-ness displayed here is not something you can handle, you best look away. The beanie will straight up wreck you! And that ice, oh man. Look out.


So I was way nerdier than usual today. Not only did I watch Order of the Phoenix, but Lord of the Rings as well. I'm okay with it! I've grasped my nerdiness and have found that there are plenty of other people around who are quite like me in this way. If I wasn't shy, maybe I would talk to them. I'll work on it. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009


This is Jon's crazy watered/iced down margarita from Acapulcos in Quincy. It was totally the place to be what with all the old men dancing around us to popular rap music. The waiter decided to ignore us for like an hour so we were going to chew and screw but as we were deciding, he showed up! Foiled again!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


And by technical difficulties, I mean my brain is dead and I can't form coherent sentences. Side-note: I just misspelled "sentences" five times in a row before I have to click and have my browser take care of it for me.  

Friday, April 17, 2009


Have I ever mentioned how good I am at parking space poaching? I mean, I'm really good at it. When the parking lot I happen to be in has only the farthest spot on the planet left, I strategically place myself where I will have the most convenient viewing angle. Normally, I can watch the all of my unsuspecting victims exit the building and see what direction they go in. I wait until just before the lot opens up to let people in again but right after I see a steady line of cars leaving. Then I pounce!.. I always get a front spot because patience is a virtue. You just learned valuable information that you can use in real life situations. You'll thank me later.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I was finally able to cross something off of my life-goals list today: to play with a real bow and arrow. Believe it or not, I made one when I was little and I was pretty good with it! I hit the targets I made with pretty good accuracy, despite my archery set being constructed out of two sticks and some twine. Today though, at Bass Pro Shops (or the place I got lost legitimately lost in for an hour) I swindled my way into the archery testing area where I discovered I was still pretty good! I didn't miss the target once and I got close to the bulls eye. Needless to say I feel very accomplished.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I just love Tom Bergeron and all of the programs that he just happens to host. Such as Dancing with the Stars (I'll admit it, I'm not ashamed) and America's Funniest Home Videos. I grew up with that show! It will never get old. Basically, I have nothing else to report from today.

Monday, April 13, 2009


For those of you who know me, you will understand how the concept of a sleeping bag coat would excite me. I would just never leave my bed! Think of the possibilities that would await me. I could fall asleep ANYwhere and be completely comfortable in my environment. Unless, of course, it happens to be in the middle of the summer. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter everyone! I hope your day was as full of chocolate and food as mine was! In the name of Easter, I watched Iron Man. It's totally related to fuzzy bunnies and eggs, I wouldn't make this up!


Operation: Paper flowers was a success, despite the nasty weather that would have surely kept me in if I were them. There were some legitimately funny and inappropriate kids that I truly wish were my own. They were so awesome and made me nearly cry with laughter.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Of the various establishments we went to tonight, Noodle St. might be my favorite. Their drunken noodles were absolutely delicious! It made me very happy. After being cultured at an art gallery opening (with wine), we went to Not Your Average Joe's for bread (with sangria), and finally to the Abington Ale House (with a Kahlua mudslide). I'm sure you're sensing a pattern but it was for a good cause: to celebrate dear Michelle's new employment!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


You can't tell, but the bushy shape in the background of this photo is of a woman who had, not moments before, snuggling annoyingly while standing next to our table at Chili's. While it might have been cute at any other time, it is not cute after I have two margaritas and notice that they BOTH have ridiculous bushy hair. Fair warning for anyone else who happens to be in my line of vision while I'm drinking. Kara and Jill and I also witnessed a car accident. More like a hit and run. We followed them obviously and threatened (from the safety of our car) to call the police. "Okay officers, don't breathalize us, but we followed the perpetrators to their house for you. Just doing our duty. Again, don't breathalize us."


Apparently we are official followers of the Toucher and Rich show (weekdays from 6 to 10 on WBCN) and this time our devotion led us to Cuts for a Cause, which was to raise money for kids with cancer at Mass General. They ended up raising $32,000+ and everyone felt pretty good about themselves. Especially the people who got to shave the heads of members of the Bruins! Lucky guys. I did get two autographs though! Tim Thomas and Aaron Ward, on a puck that I stole from UMB's hockey rink a while ago. It was so cool.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I read half of this book in only two hours. It was pretty good despite being required reading for the course. Usually the stories I have to read are all in like, prose or something, and I want to hurt myself. This one involves time travel! I SO APPROVE. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


What a terrible day out today. I'm pretty sure that I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, cause when the sun goes away, it's like my good mood leaves too. It's days like today that I really don't move at all. Even to make myself some food. I'm totally ready for spring. Any day now please!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Well, I feel uncomfortable admitting that I tortured and harassed some little frogs today. I'm a terrible person! They were all just going about their own business, stewing in their nasty juices, when I attempted to scoop them up into a net and relocate them to more colorful yet small homes. I had a few escapees but was able to wrangle them before they jumped on the floor and killed themselves. So maybe I saved some lives and did a little good to amphibian-kind after all.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


So I bought this book today, which is by one of my favorite bloggers. She's absolutely insane and I love how it translates into her writing. It's funny, but I feel like I know everything about these people and maybe that's strange (okay, I know it is, but that hasn't stopped me yet) but the internet is a weird place. Also, "weird" is hard to spell without spellcheck. 

Saturday, April 4, 2009


It was an epic day today, as I got the privilege to step inside the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. My inner seven-year-old rejoiced. Unfortunately, there were no hot dogs or weenie whistles being given away, but that's okay. I was within a giant hot dog and that's all that matters in the end.

Friday, April 3, 2009


I went to Lime Leaf for lunch today to enjoy some Pad Thai and iced tea. When I got home to eat my lunch, I knocked my delicious iced tea completely off the table and the styrofoam travel cup it came in DISINTEGRATED upon impact. Not a drop was left unless you count the huge mess on the floor. I have coordination problems.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


After a delicious lunch from Main Street, Leonard and I went down to West Bridgewater to find the Charlie Horse bar that Toucher and Rich would be at. We have some stalking tendencies! Anyways, the place is packed and we didn't realize that it's a family restaurant. Not only is it a family restaurant, but tonight was Kids Eat Free Wednesday. So here are all these obscene men running around after sleazy women, talking about porn into a microphone and getting belligerently drunk in front of a restaurant full of families. They totally all recognized (and greeted) me and Leonard from Peabody though!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


GOAL! If you look closely, you can see the puck in the net behind his right foot. I had so much fun at the game, at which the Bruins won. AND there were like, half a dozen fights. So that was really interesting. I can't even really complain about the people around us cause they all behaved themselves for the most part. It was a good time all around. Also, OMGHILARIOUS.