Sunday, January 25, 2009


Excessive VW-ness! This shows a VW bug WITHIN a VW bug. When we came out of the store, we found ANOTHER VW bug parked next to it. People are nuts. Speaking of, our candy quest at Stop & Shop ended in humiliation when our buy one Werther's Original get one free deal lied to us and we had to bother the poor self-serve lane girl at LEAST five times to get it straightened out. We proceeded to Michelle's house where we watched a depressing movie about a homosexual boy (a Lifetime original), while playing Apples to Apples with Trish and her boyfriend. He was pretty hilarious, "Why do you guys always give me the big words?! .. Pyromaniacs?!".. "Who is Gorgia O'Keefe?" "It's Geor-giah O'Keefe" "Georgia, like the state". It was a ridiculous night.

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