Saturday, January 31, 2009


After the various errands I did today at school, I went home for dinner and then out with Michelle for drinks. We went to Friday's first to see how long the wait was and when we saw it was too long, we went to the plaza to kill some time. I happened to need a birthday present for my mum and found the perfect thing at GameStop! We then went back to Friday's and had drinks and appetizers. Finally, we went on a job hunt at the industrial park. It was a productive night indeed!

Friday, January 30, 2009


Today was SO long, but overall very good. After my first lab, which was only a few minutes long, Leonard and I scurried off to the Bruins game against the New Jersey Devils. It was SUCH a close game, but they lost in overtime. I was on the jumbo screen for a second though! That was awesome.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I was just so happy to see all the snow today. It meant that I would be able to put off what I need to do for just one more day, and I have a valid excuse for it. I also found out that one of my old journal websites that I used all the time to express my depressed teenaged feeling is getting shut down on Friday. So I copied everything I could, since I would miss it once it was gone. It's really weird to look back and see how my mind worked.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


First day of school today! I liked most of the classes I had except for my last one at night. I'll drop that ASAP, cause I'm sort of far beyond all the material they're covering. I got a couple of nice surprises today though! I saw some people that I didn't think I would, like Ted for instance. His obnoxiously bright sweater sticks out like a sore thumb. Then there was KC, who I really wasn't sure I would see again since our A+P classes are at different times and the school is huge. But she showed up twice in one day! And then Kara (formerly of England, as far as I knew until today) came out of no where and scared the crap out of me in my Nutrition class. Finally, I saw a man on a bike get hit by a car. Clearly not on the same level of surprise as the rest, but still pretty surprising. And horrifying.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


After going to bed so late last night, I know I can't do that again tonight. What with school in the morning and everything. I'm usually really excited to go to school, but I've been slowly losing that enthusiasm lately. My Leonard came down today after his first day of classes and we had a very nice day. Lots of tv and food.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I stayed up way too late yet again. Luckily, I don't really have to get up in the morning tomorrow, so it doesn't matter as much. I had an excellent LOST revelation that I'm pretty excited about. I can't wait to see what happens! My life is being taken over by the television.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Excessive VW-ness! This shows a VW bug WITHIN a VW bug. When we came out of the store, we found ANOTHER VW bug parked next to it. People are nuts. Speaking of, our candy quest at Stop & Shop ended in humiliation when our buy one Werther's Original get one free deal lied to us and we had to bother the poor self-serve lane girl at LEAST five times to get it straightened out. We proceeded to Michelle's house where we watched a depressing movie about a homosexual boy (a Lifetime original), while playing Apples to Apples with Trish and her boyfriend. He was pretty hilarious, "Why do you guys always give me the big words?! .. Pyromaniacs?!".. "Who is Gorgia O'Keefe?" "It's Geor-giah O'Keefe" "Georgia, like the state". It was a ridiculous night.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


UMB vs. Salem State! It was so close, I don't even count that last goal since it was in overtime! Those points don't mean anything, right? Michelle, Jamie and I met up with Megan and Jon at the Fours after the game. A creepy drunk man told Jamie he liked her boots and I could have sworn he said boobs. 

Friday, January 23, 2009


It's a fun place to shop. I got two pairs of gloves and many candy items for $8.75! Score. I went up to Leonard's for the day and we did the usual, which was to relax. Later, I went to Michelle's with her and Megan to catch up and watch tv.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I had a mini photo adventure today, as I had nothing else to do. First I went to Castle Island, but it creeped me out because I was one of only three cars there. Too weird. So then I went to this little park near Wollaston beach and it was quite nice. Not much else really happened today, except for my egregious mistake of missing the premiere of Lost. SO mad at myself.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today was Inauguration Day for Obama and I watched every bit of it until I had to go to work at 2. When I did, she said she didn't need me and to go home, but not before I go to Staples and get stuff for her. At least I got paid for it! Then Leonard came down and we went to Chipotle for dinner and then to a UMB hockey game. It was nice to actually have a little school spirit for once! It helped immensely that we won. You're going down, Salem State!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I spent a bit of time watching Animal Planet today. They featured Dachshunds on Dogs 101! Did you know that hot dogs were named after dachshunds? They were originally called Dachshund sausages. Charlie showed little emotion when I told him this good news. He started snoring, actually.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Again, not my picture of snow. While I did take some today, it would require me to actually get up and get my camera and put them on here that is the issue. Not happening! It was another one of those kinds of days. I closed the store early cause I made more money working those few hours than the store made altogether. I tried a new puzzle today called 36 Cube. It sucks and I'm bringing it back to work tomorrow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Work was beyond dull today. Obviously, I spent the majority of it reading my book. When Leonard came, we took a trip to Hess to fill up my tires! YES. In the process, I pissed off a car waiting to do the same, but since I was taking too long they drove away. We then went to Cathay Pacific for AZN food and ate too much. This is from Newbury Comics, which came next. There were other places, but I'm too tired to recount them.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


SLAP CHOP. My day* was basically spent on the couch watching tv. At the moment I'm engrossed in a special on cults on the History channel. Is it weird that I already know a lot about most of them?

*Day, not dad. Which I misspelled, unfortunately.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I love John C. Reilly. How can I not, when he chooses roles like Dr. Steve Brule (youtube that shit!) or in Step Brothers. Leonard and I saw it for the first time tonight and it was awesome. We also watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which was better than I thought it would be. Susan dragged me into work today (which I will never agree to again on a Thursday) and kept me an hour later than I was supposed to be. I'll be happy for the money in the end, but I'll continue to harbor bitter feelings.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I'm really starting to lose my confidence and "can do" attitude that I try so hard to keep up. Today sucked in that I did NOT do well on the stupid test that was supposed to be easy and I'm really ashamed of it. It also sucked in that it was my dad's day off, which means he spent all of his time in a stupor, passed out on the couch. It did not help that as soon as everyone was home, that the fighting started. I'm getting pretty sick of many things. I just don't know how to go about changing any of it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Finally! I cut down Across the Universe into a manageable size to fit nicely on my iPod! I'm very excited because it's one of those movies that I could watch multiple times in a row. My day was pretty lame, basically. I have my exam tomorrow at Quincy College that I will hopefully do really well on. Eek!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today was the day of fun new downloads! I'm now in love with the Fleet Foxes. I heard them first on WERS a few months ago and I just got around to getting their cd. So good! I was such a lazy ass today. I can't even get over it. 

Monday, January 12, 2009


It snowed like crazy last night and this morning! Susan called to say not to bother coming in since the roads were so bad and unsafe. I think she's figured out a plausible way to save money on me by announcing snow days. Whatevs. I did some shoveling and watched movies. It was a lazy kind of day.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


"When you're feeling indecisive, choose Steak-ummmmm!" So awful, but we had a good night nonetheless. I still wish I had a sled or a snow tube. It would have been the best night for it!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


My dad took me to World of Wheels tonight at the Expo Center! It was so much fun. "This is the kind of car that you go park in a parking lot and drink your 40s in, right?" He has such good one-liners sometimes. Then later I met up with Michelle, Megan and Jon and we went to TKO Sheas in Rockland with some of his friends. Luckily, there was a table big enough to fit all of us. It was so awkward before we found it, trying to gather around two booths.

Friday, January 9, 2009


My eyesight is getting so much worse. Even with my glasses on, I have to squint to see the screen sitting on my lap, and only after I had to adjust the font two sizes larger. I can't tell if it's just from the strain of the day that I'm noticing it more now, but it's really bothering me. Good thing I know where the letters on my keyboard are without really looking! In other news, I introduced Leonard to Indiana Jones today. I can't believe it's taken this long for him to see it! Unbelievable! 

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I'm trying to export one of my movies from imovie but it's pretty much taken a lifetime this far. Really rather annoying! I still have half an hour left and I started at like 11:00. I finally signed up to take the admissions exam for Quincy College today! I feel so much lighter now.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I tried REAL sushi tonight and I was surprised at how delish it was! Not only that, I even tried saki! I was kind of a daredevil I must say. Michelle, Megan, Jon and I went to a little shack in Hingham for sushi and other wonderful items. Then we continued our night at Chili's where I had a couple nasty ass margaritas which I am DEFinitely feeling right now. So sad. But no near-death experiences though! It must have been because Michelle was there.


Only 65 more entries to go now before I reach my goal! I was really proud of myself when I figured out why my 1GB usb flash drive had only 5MB left on it despite it being completely empty of everything. Well, I mean I still don't know why it did that, but the idea is that I fixed it! It's no east task to format something that tells you nothing about formatting.

Monday, January 5, 2009


My entire day consisted of being exceedingly lazy through reading and watching tv. Though I did get to hang out with Michelle tonight! That was nice. We watched The Office and chatted.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


"What will your blog say tonight?" "Thaaaat I love you!"

Saturday, January 3, 2009


After a lovely meal of Wendy's with Alex and Peter, Al and I visited with Megan at work, so she could visit before her trip to France. I read my book all day after that and waited for Megan and Jon to pick me up. We stopped at a Weymouth bar only to discover it was full of Weymo high alums (OMG he's even larger in person!!!) we went to the Fours with two of Jon's other friends. My drink was gross (pictured above) but I had fun still. Oh! And while driving home Jon almost got us killed by a large and angry black man.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Happy new year everyone! We celebrated by making a cake today. SO so good. It's called something like Apple Butterscotch cake, and though we MAY have over cooked it a little, it was still very tasty. Then we went over Josh's house and watched silly movies like Knight Demon (or was it Demon Knight?) and Rocky 21432 or which ever one it is.