Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I'll do this now just in case I don't get the chance later. Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2009 is wonderful for all of you, love yas!


Okay, I realize that I've been a little bit ridiculous lately, since I seem to be averaging a book a day. When I get obsessive about something I really can't be stopped! I just wish I could focus this energy onto other things..

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Oh Chili's, how I love your Tropical Sunrise margaritas. I went out to dinner with my parents tonight, which was a nice break for my neck. I've been sitting in the same position for hours on end reading and its like my whole torso hurts. It's worth it though.

Monday, December 29, 2008


I was holding off on reading this, but as I got it for Christmas I figured the time was right to start! It's such a fast read that I'll be finished with it tomorrow without question. There are just some parts in it that make me go.. huh? Like, no one bothered to edit the entire book. As enthralling as it is, the crappy writing just sticks out like a sore thumb. Oh well. I intend to get the next book tomorrow before work so I won't miss a beat.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Little Big Planet just makes me happy. It's so cute and it seems like the developers thought of absolutely everything! Work was pretty much dead and I spent my time reading a new book (that which shall not be named) I got for Christmas.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


I woke up from my food-coma at an ungodly 12:57 pm and was all, "OMG I slept straight through the day!" I didn't even bother to put in my contacts. Gotta love the day after Christmas! Eventually after a little cleaning, I set up my Mum's new Wii Fit! It's so excellent. Can't wait to learn some yoga moves!

Friday, December 26, 2008


Sorry Len, but this is my favorite picture of the day! He's saying something to the effect of, "Take the stupid picture already, I can't keep my face like this much longer!" I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas today! I did and I'm very appreciative of it all.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Luckily, this is not Lenny's family's home that we went to tonight, this was just on the way. It was a fun party despite our late arrival due to being lost and getting distracted. But MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!! Love you all. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I made a batch of these (not my picture!) tonight to give to Candy and Susan as gifts. They came out okay but for some pieces, the chocolate cleanly separated from the saltines. Whatevs. They will still taste good. I put them in cute little chinese food containers (not previously used!), cause they both really like chinese food and it will be funny to trick them sort of.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Thank you Michelle! This along with some silly Irish socks (I HAVE been known to recently wear some crazy socks. Often depicting different colored dachshunds. Or the ones with the horrible looking face that you stick your feet in the mouth -- I don't really want to talk about those though, they don't leave the house), so I am appreciative of them. We all met up at El Sarape and had some delicious mexican food for our little Christmas get together. Everyone will be parting ways soon this vacation, so every bit of time is important. Love yous!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Now that my classes are done, I feel like I can actually relax and breathe for a minute. I even started a new knitting project (a scarf of course, I can't do anything else yet)! It snowed even more today. I checked the handles on my car earlier and my doors are frozen shut. Should be fun getting open before work tomorrow. AND I found out today that I passed my Chemistry class! This is kind of a huge deal to me because it means that I actually satisfy all the requirements for Quincy College and I can apply and not waste more of my time fooling around. I am understandably IMMENSELY excited about this. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Please note the "Eat Healthy, Low fat & cholesterol". You KNOW I couldn't miss pointing that out! So funny. Well today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I opened the store on time and got everything ready for the rush of people who were SUPPOSED to be there. They were not. In the least. Susan showed up an hour late, Candy didn't even bother to come in. Susan left early and told me to close up whenever, so I did! I was able to make it to my test in plenty of time. I think I did alright on it, but I can't be sure. That's usually a sign that I didn't do so alright. Then Lenny came and we all went to Gourmet Oriental where I had an unusually strong mai tai to celebrate the semesters end.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Now I actually DID take this photo, as it's been awhile since I posted my own. As you should know by now, if you're not living under a rock (or are in another state) we are having a nasty snow storm which pretty much shut down everything. Which means that I have to take my final tomorrow. I am none too happy about it, except that I have more time to study. I stayed inside most of the day and was extraordinarily lazy. So maybe I'm not that angry about the snow.


Last minute shopping today! The problem is that there are many more things I want to get for people but my funds have run dry. Now I'm bracing myself for the big storm we're going to have tomorrow. I just know that my final is going to get postponed until Saturday. SO LAME, not to mention inconvenient. I just want it to be January already.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'm rotting my brain with mindless celebrity gossip, rather than getting a good nights sleep. Two finals down, one to go on Friday. It's probably going to kill me.  

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I just about finished all of my Christmas shopping today! Leonard and I spent lots of time at the Square One Mall. Now I'm just studying for two of my finals tomorrow. Eek! Also, I really doubt that I possess a short term memory. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'm nearly done with my shopping now! SO close. Not much else really happened. It was just one of those days.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Michelle's welcome home party included lots of food and silly movies. At Megan's house. A fun time was had by all. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Welcome home Mishkeeeeell! Tonight after work, the four of us went to Chili's for dinner. Then to the Frog Pond (where I got BOWLED over by a big black cannon ball) to skate and such. Finally we went to the Fours in Quincy to get more drinks and have more fun. It was a good night. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I was 2 hours late for my last day of classes today, cause the traffic was awful. I had two tests and I missed them both. Luckily for me, both of my teachers drop the lowest grade so it's not like it was overly important that I be there. I just wanted the extra grades. It will be another story entirely if I'm late for my 8:00 final next Wednesday. Then I may have to slap a bitch. Tonight I went to the 99 with Megan and Jon and Jon's friend Louie. I had a pomegranate martini that I'm still feeling.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I enjoy sleeping bags, what can I say? Leonard and I enjoyed the day inside cause it was so nasty out. But we did leave the house to go to the mall and then to get food at one point. So that was okay. It was depressing outside.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Elf will never get old to me! It's still hilarious. I need to go to bed early tonight cause I haven't been sleeping all that well. So off I go!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


This is what it sounds like outside my window right now! Minus the palm trees of course. Last anatomy class today before finals. It was pretty awful and I'm so worried about the final next week. That's really all I have to report. Not much happening today.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I feel like I'm slowly regaining my creative touch again! I spent 8 hours straight working on something I haven't tried in a long time, but I've found that I'm actually pretty good at it and it's fairly easy. Since it took up so much of the day I just had to write about it, even though it's against my better judgement and a certain someone reading this will get suspicious! Well, now they definitely are.

Monday, December 8, 2008


First day of real, actual snow! It was a nice surprise and very pretty to see, but I'm really not happy about it. I don't like the cold very much. In other news, I owe Megan cowboy cookies.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'll make you some cookies if you can tell me what movie this is from! SO good. I still get chills when I watch it. The store is getting busier now that Christmas is coming. Susan stays later (so annoying!) and she's getting more frantic in that she's taking more notice of things I'm either not doing or saying. Also very annoying.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


A major crisis was averted tonight! I left my wallet at Friday's after we ate and I freaked out about it. When I called, the girl said that there were people already at the table we were sitting at and she couldn't ask to just look around to find my wallet, which is bullshit. Since when we showed up 10 minutes after we called, I walked up and told her I wanted my wallet, she called into her walkie-talkie (and giggled about me into it, which I could hear cause I'm not deaf) and the manager came right over with it like it was waiting there all along. I don't know what the hell her problem was, but I really should have bitched her out because of it. But I was still buzzed and feeling a little sick with worry over it, so I didn't. As a side note, Team Uncomfortable achieved its goal of making me uncomfortable, well done!

Friday, December 5, 2008


It was just one of the nicest days that I've had in a while. I miss my Leonard time and today was just what I needed. Bert's battery is brand spankin' new, as I brought him to NTB this afternoon. Then we drove all around the south shore to browse the stores. Now of course, I'm stalling the paper writing process, as per usual and it's getting pretty frustrating.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I'm going to have to trust them on this, but we made aspirin in my chemistry lab. Obviously I was not going to be the guinea pig for that, aside from the fact that it's not pure in the least. Bad idea! Also, Bert's battery died while I was getting lunch at Panera. AAA came and jumped me in enough time to get home and study for my lab practical/test (testicle?) at 7. I think I did better than I thought I did!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My mum really wants one of these, so I started my Christmas shopping with it. It looks pretty neat, but I'm doubting it's claims as it looks and feels like a regular glove. We shall see.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The pictures I took of the awesome moon with jupiter and venus (two planets basically, I'm just guessing) didn't come out as nice as I wanted so this one will have to do. Charlie has this weird bump on his side that was oozing a couple days ago, so we took him to the vet to see what it was. He just gave him antibiotics and sent us on our way. Then we went to Acapulcos (sans Charlie) where I had my second grilled chicken quesadilla and blue moonlight margarita in three days. So good.

Monday, December 1, 2008


El Sarape with the Morrison's is just so much fun. I went with Megan and Jon and we met them there for drinks at the bar. We were pretty much the only people there in the whole place aside from the three other people next to us. They were cool though. I shared some pico de gallo with them. Then it was off to watch my favorite grotesque medical shows on TLC! I'm so happy that others share my love for it.