Sunday, August 31, 2008


As we have never been there before (and after we wondered how we'd ever missed it), we decided to take a trip to the Natick Mall aka the "Natick Collection". It's gigantic and the space around it looks like a small town. Outside of the mall, but in the same area, is every food and shopping establishment we could ever wish for. I must live there some day. In other news, a little boy not older than four announced loudly today that the rocking horse was on "feels good on my penis!" I kid you not.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


We're such dorks, but I love it. We spent the evening playing Guess Who, Scrabble and Battleship. Let me tell you folks, we ended summer with a bang!

Friday, August 29, 2008


I just stayed up until 3 in the morning watching a particularly ridiculous (probably spawned from a failed romance novel), yet strangely engrossing romance film. Not one of my proudest nights, but what can you do. Today Leonard and I spent the day wandering around the Burlington Mall for several hours. I bought an R2D2 Lego keychain at their Lego store. That might have been the proudest moment of the day.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


We had Michelle's going away party tonight. Singing, dancing, drinking and inappropriate touching occurred. And I'll tell ya, those bakery personnel are getting sloppy with their cake penmanship.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I visited Leonard's house today and it was very nice. I went without my coffee as sort of an experiment (at least that's what I told myself when I was going through withdrawals) and it pretty much sucked. I got a nasty headache that apparently means I need caffeine everyday. How unfortunate. Later I watched The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, because this week I'm having a LOTR kick.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Today was nice. I thought I had to open since Susan said she had a doctors appointment today when I left last week, so I decided to go in a little late to make sure. I did a drive-by and when I saw she was there I left and drove around a little before work. When I got there I did just about nothing but read my book and sit on the computer. Later we all went to Coldstone and Barnes and Nobles to think of future English Bulldog names for Megan's puppy that she wants. 

Monday, August 25, 2008


Closing Ceremony for the Olympics tonight. I saw a bit of them, but they were very strange for the most part. Not as spectacular as the Opening Ceremony, just very strange. I spent my day off relaxing on the couch with my dog and watching the Olympics and The Lord of the Rings. I really need to get around to reading those books. We went to Michelle's later on for cookies and hanging out.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I had a lovely day hanging out at my Gram's house today! I never get to join in Saturday lunch with my Gram, Aunt Marie and my mum since I always work, but since I lied my way to getting time off, I was able to partake in the festivities! We had this amazing bow-tie pasta with shrimp in a wine sauce that my aunt made and I really wish we had leftovers to take home afterward. We ate it all. Mum and I stopped at Montillio's on the way to pick up dessert, strawberry cheesecake. Mmm! So good. Later, I picked up Megan and Alex and dined at Chili's. We drove to Target for like, a minute, and then back to Al's where we watched Project Runway and Harry Potter. I'll probably update the photo blog tomorrow. I've been really lazy lately.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


My family decided that today we would take a road trip to Mt. Washington and to get to the very top. We had the absolute best weather and even the tour guide who drove us in a van told us that we were witnessing something very very rare and that because of it we should probably run out and play the lottery. Since Mt. Washington has the worst weather in the world and we were up there with a 5 mph wind in 70 degree temps on a sunny day with 97 mile visibility, we knew that it was pretty special. The worst part though was getting up and down. My god, couldn't they have made the road like, 5 inches wider? I thought we were going to fall off. Seeing as they thought it unnecessary to build guard rails along the two car road.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I really don't know why I was cradling that water bottle like a baby, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. We saw the Dear Hunter tonight at Harper's Ferry and it was a beautiful experience I must say. They played all the songs I wanted to hear and we got to shake Casey's hand (after dogging around after him all night) and get a picture with him. Then we went to the Sunset Cantina for some food. I was tortured with pickles, cause as we know, it's not a real night out for dinner unless I have a bad experience with pickles.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


As I was a doofus and slept too late in the morning, I wasn't able to hang out with Leonard before he went to work like I had planned to. So instead, I went on a little photo adventure of my own to different places like Great Hill, Webb Park and the big cemetery near my house. Webb park was pretty and I wanted to steal a bud off a cotton plant, but it looked prickily so I didn't. Next time maybe. Then later after dinner, we went to get ice cream at this place in Abington. My dad saw his creepy fat friend (who lives in Braintree, no where near the establishment we were at) who didn't spot him yet, so my dad sped off and we finished our ice cream in the Kam's Garden parking lot and made fun of Brazilian's. More pics!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Megan and I had a photo adventure today which began at Fort Revere and ended at the reflecting pool near the Christian Science Building. I'm getting the hang of working my camera's basics now so it was really good to test all the different settings out. We ended the evening with a romantic dinner at Tennessee BBQ. Here are more pictures from the day!


I had fun with my new baby today! I still need to think of a good name for it. Most of the pictures I took are of Charlie just being his ridiculous cute self, but I liked this one because of the crazy purple light that happened by accident. It's probably not good to look right at the sun, so this might be the last of this type of thing. And as an interesting side note, I was finally allowed to sign up (at 8AM) for the class I've been waiting to take. Wednesdays will be fun this semester with only a tiny hour break in a day that goes from 9AM to 8:30 PM. Nice.

Monday, August 18, 2008


As of this morning, I am a proud owner of a new Nikon D40! I just can't explain to you how excited I am to play with this all the time. I'm like, jumping out of my skin. Happy super-early-cause-it's-on-sale birthday to me!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


It was a plaza type of night tonight, where we spent most of our time window-shopping in all of the stores. I bought an environmentally friendly, 100% recycled Wall-E grocery bag from the Disney store for $2.50. So that was awesome and it's very cute.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


What a hilarious and ridiculous movie. The side characters alone are enough to make you want to see it, though I can't tell you who they are or it will ruin the surprise. It's very very funny and I wish I could remember some lines that would still be funny out of context.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Today, the four of us took an epic day trip to (most of) my favorite tourist attractions in New Hampshire. I'm left a little sore and bruised, but it was well worth it for all the fun we had. We visited Clark's Trading Post (where we made a friend who gave us a deal on some amazing fudge), the Flume, the Cannon mountain tramway (which we took to the summit. SO cool.), the Basin and a nice round of competitive adventure golf, aka mini golf but with a theme of hobos. I'm not even kidding.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Radioheeeeead. I'm tired. Oh so tired. It was good, but there was so very much traffic afterwards. ALL OVAH. And also, a dirty hippie danced all over the place near us and I'm not sure he knew where he was. But he was into it so it's all good. Sleep now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It was another coin deposit day at the bank! Unfortunately, I only came away with $46 in my pocket. That's okay though, it's more the thrill of gathering all of them up and getting them ready. I took a trip to the plaza and walked around blindly. I didn't really need to buy anything, but since it was Dad's day off, I had to get out of the house or I would go crazy. We clash on many subjects, to say the least.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Since it was raining, too many little kids showed up to paint treasure chests and we ran out really fast. Of course, there was one meltdown that couldn't be avoided as a family of three came in with only two chests left. Luckily (or unluckily), we had these foam visors to paint that we intended to use next week. But those ran out too. Dumb kids.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Weymouth's Starbucks has this picture posted on their wall, along with a bunch of other bands that I've actually heard of. I was just so excited to see TREOS up there and I wish I knew who took it. Oh well. In other news, I watched lots and lots of Olympics today and ate lots and lots of chicken wings. In further other news, I can't sleep.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I will make this a FAIL soon. It made me laugh out loud, as they say! Work was rather uneventful today, up until Leonard and then DaniShan came to see me. Then it was pretty exciting. We made a pit stop at the Hanover Mall and got Panera, right before we went to Megan's for a party. I thought it was going relatively well, until apparently it was not. Which kinda really sucks for all involved.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


So the opening ceremony for the olympics were pretty out of control. I must say, the Asians really know how to put on a good show. And to think, none of the performers were used twice! That's a lot of freakin' people.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


We would like everyone to welcome Morris the Taurus' new addition to the family, Sprout. We're not quite sure when he was born or how long he has been there, but we welcome and enjoy his presence. Today, Leonard and I enjoyed both the Pineapple Express and the Dark Knight (in Imax) and they were pretty great. In the Dark Knight, you could feel every gunshot and every explosion cause the seats vibrated with the noise. It was awesome.


I feel like an honorary member of the Starbucks crew when I tag along with all of them to various locations to party. It's a nice feeling, cause I get along with all of them (minus the Germans, who suck a whole lot)! We made a mess of the British Beer Company in Pembroke, after it took us a lifetime to find the stupid place.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Sunbathing at Nantasket was incredibly lovely. It's just too bad that the water was freezing cold and there were bird feathers floating all over the place. After that we went to the plaza and I purchased a new shirt! My parents made fun of me for it because it was a forest scene and a little random. Whatever.


After a long day of painting candles (that did not hold on to the candles, since wax and water-based paint don't mix) it was nice to sit down at a nice meal with friends at Friday's. I got some delicious chicken parm sliders with fries and Michelle's barbecue sauce. We then adjourned to Michelle's where Alex and Dan met up with us and we watched and ridiculed the Teen Choice Awards.

Monday, August 4, 2008


My parents treated themselves to tickets to the Sox game today. They had excellent seats and were pretty much in the same spot this picture was taken. Work was okay. I sorta did some actual work, if that includes going to McDonald's on the way back from Staples. I'm up way too late right now because I was watching stupid, addicting wedding shows on WE.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


The more I look at Batman, the less I think that it's Christian Bale behind that mask. He's come a long way from the days of pretending to know how to sing in the Newsies and it just goes to show how far he's progressed when you can't even recognize his face anymore.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Tonight was Leonard's birthday celebration! There were a lot less people than anticipated, but it was still a good time. While we waited the hour and a half to be seated at Dick's Last Resort, we pre-gamed at a bar around the corner called Trinity, where Lenny had his first legal drink! Poor Josh and Nicole were the youngin's who had to wait outside for us. Then when we were finally seated at Dick's and they brought us our drinks, the waitress pressured Leonard into chugging his long island iced tea. That's a $10 drink right there. Then there were copious shots taken. On the way home after we parted ways, a drunk couple shared their sangria out of a pitcher with other passengers on the T. Hilarity ensued.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Happy 21st birthday Leonard, my love! We had a nice day despite the events not going exactly as planned. I love him to bits. I can't wait for the party tomorrow too! It's going to be a lot of fun.