Monday, June 30, 2008


I'm pretty unsophisticated, I must say. I'm doing pretty well in my class at school and it ends next Wednesday, so I'm pretty excited about that. Work was pretty silly today, but at least I had a visitor, aka Megan! I'm almost ashamed of our stalking skills, but at the same time I'm oddly proud of them. 


I met the dumb woman from Nebraska that Susan likes to talk to all the time, today. She was pretty nice, but I was a little disappointed that her dumbness didn't show up in person. Then again, they only stayed for a few minutes to check out my cleaning job of the entire store and to use the bathroom.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


This is a pretty good representation of today's events! Well.. metaphorically speaking, of course. We didn't actually eat crabs, but in regards to them, we did in fact rip one apart. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I hope this gets you nice and confused. 

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Epic. That is all that can be said about this movie! I loved every bit of it. 

Thursday, June 26, 2008


We're very sexy. Just you remember that! This lasted much of the night, along with Guess-That-Song. There was some driving here and there as well, not to mention the tacos that I got. You can't forget those!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I spent most of the night sitting in the Friendly's parking lot talking about ridiculous things with my lovely ladies. Megan is now Top Dog, just look at her tattoo! We migrated to Walgreen's, where not much else happened. It was a good night.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Rockport is just, like, the cutest place on Earth. The tiny shops are welcoming and you can always tell the locals from the tourists by the expressions on their faces when someone smiles at them, in that tourists are all confused that someone is being so nice to them. The rocks give such a nice view of the entire coastline and on a really nice day you can see for miles. Unfortunately today was pretty cloudy but looking in all the little shops is always fun. I bought way too much candy. I'm kind of a candy whore, if you didn't know already.


That's right! South Shore Chipotle number two is opening at the plaza! This one will officially be open on the 26th, so I have a few more days to wait unfortunately. I have yet to see the Hancock St. Chipotle though, which is always a possibility. I invested some money in a sweet pair of shorts today at American Eagle. They're a little longer than what I'm used to, but somehow they are more slimming than my other pair of shorts. Most importantly from today though, was the news that I passed the WPE! I can now graduate, if I decide to ever graduate.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Tonight is full of Funfetti cupcakes and tv at Al's house/ sleepover. I need something to do with my hands now cause we just poured the batter and are waiting for them to finish cooking. And I think I added a little too much batter, which means they will explode all over the place. No matter, I hold that they will still be delish.


I discovered today that I gave the Writing Proficiency office my correct email address, but incorrectly spelled. I'll take care of it on Monday. Rather than spend night number two at Humarock, Megan and I enjoyed a nice dessert/snack/drink at Chili's. Which is fine by me! I had a delicious cheesecake, and I'm pretty sure we would still be there at this point in the night if we actually went. I don't know about you, but I'm falling asleep. By the way, the mystery of the singing-electronic-device was solved! It was coming from an old Wheel of Fortune game whose batteries were slowly corroding the inside of the game. I'm so glad that's over with. I was really freaked out by it.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Let's just say that tonight was one of the most awkward and strangest nights I've ever had. Megan, Lenny and I hung out with employees of Sbux Hingham in this very nice but confusing to navigate place in Marshfield called Humarock. There were 10 of us in the tiny house, most of which were very drunk and high, acting really silly. We went to the beach to light a fire and drink, where blood was spilled along with beer. They were some pretty ridiculous characters, let me tell you. I don't even want to get into talking about the shack/garage that we sat in while waiting for everyone to show. So awkward.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Yay! 100th post! This picture captures the essence of all that is classy in the world. I love it. The night consisted of America's Next Best Dance Crew, Iron Chef America and The Next Food Network Star, but alas, no Cranium. That's okay though! We need to designate a night that no one has to wake up in the morning and go to work with a killer hangover.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Today was pretty blah. Class, work, read my book, sat around. It was my dad's birthday though even that was pretty ho-hum since he was too, er, drunk, to go out and actually celebrate. Not that I like to mention those sorts of things, but it fits with the mood of the day. Tomorrow will be much better as it will be Cloodle Night, AND my 100th entry. That's special! Also, this guy is pretty cool. I dig his crazy monsters.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I visited this place today. I'm thinking I'll go there for the two year associates degree so I can get out of school at a reasonable point in my life. Unfortunately, for the third time since my decision to become a nurse, another deadline has slipped through my fingers. But at this point, who is really surprised? Not me, that's for sure. 

Monday, June 16, 2008


Please note the disgusting bruises that have appeared on my legs. This is because I scratch a bit too hard, and I'm easily wounded. I painted some little-kid faces today, which was pretty cool. The big hit was a little yellow and red puppy. I totally agree with them. Also, my whale painting was featured here! I'm so proud.


Happy Father's Day fathers! Cause I know so many of them read my blog. It was a pretty nice day, in that all the gifts were well received and I found some funny cards to give. Work was relatively quiet, so I also liked that. I had time to read my book about an AZN cult who used nerve gas on subways in Japan. It gets even better though, I'm told. 

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Happy birthday party to Alex! We went to Acapulcos for dinner and margaritas and it was lovely. Then after, we got Funfetti and made her birthday cupcakes. And played Apples to Apples. It was a big hit. 

Saturday, June 14, 2008


This is Michelle's strange elbow flexibility. And Megan's screen porch which we sat in to play Cranium and talk about Michelle to her new man. He's pretty chill! I approve. 

Friday, June 13, 2008


I'm pretty horrendous, I know. Maybe I was just a little excited to see what Alex brought back for me from Disney World! It even has my name on the back. I love it and I'm wearing it tomorrow to the next get-together.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today was much like yesterday, except the water felt nicer for some reason. That's really all I have to say.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I spent all of this hot hot day at Lenny's after school, lounging in the pool. It was fabulous. Rinse and repeat tomorrow!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Many different things happened today that normally wouldn't. I got an 85 on my algebra exam, passed in my portfolio for the writing proficiency exam, played games normally assigned for two players with four, wore shorts, admitted liking music that I wouldn't usual admit to, and actually stayed up all night like I said I would. Kara and Melissa visited me at the store again and Bob joined them. We had an epic race outside and some epic card games. Later on, I got Megan and Michelle and we traveled to Nantasket beach. It was so so nice and I was totally tempted to just run in the water with all my clothes on. The night ended at CVS, as per usual, just the way we like it. My eye continues to twitch.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I'm not even tired, I'm so excited to finish this stupid paper. I intend to stay up all night and do just that. I have my big pile of Fritos, my fan is running (after like, 20+ years of life I might add!), a cold pack and my water bottle. I have two pages down, and a few more to go, with pages full of notes to help me. I'm really slow at writing cause I like to get everything right the first time, so this is going to take me a while, but I'm okay with that if it means I'm free of this two year annoyance that's been weighing on my shoulders. You might just have to kill me if I fail this again. I insist.


This is a diagram of how a pool works! Cause I forgot to take a picture of Lenny's pool party, so this will have to do. It's kind of interesting. His family was all there, and it was the awkward introductions as usual, even though I've met them all before. Just because I remember them, doesn't mean they remember me though, unfortunately. Whatevs! Lenny, Josh, Liz, her friend Alicia, and I just huddled on the other side of the pool like we were anti-social. Until I decided to actually get in the pool. Lenny went in first and then I reluctantly followed. We were all eventually eaten by mosquitos, as most stories usually end.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Well, I felt only slightly better today, but only after I was sure that the NyQuil had gone away. That was a big part of it I'm sure, cause I was feeling sluggish and dizzy all day. I mean, I'm still sluggish and dizzy, but there's a difference. I don't want to be stuck in my house anymore! I feel like it's been ages since I've seen anyone but my family. I found this article, and it worries me that there are people like this in the world.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I really can't say how I did on my math test. I dunno. I was feeling only alright about it. And now I'm struggling to write cause I took NyQuil and it works quickly. 


This is the face of a cold-bearing insomniac. I spent the day trying to survive my coughing fits and watching crappy cop shows such as that new one on USA called In Plain Sight. A series in which a sassy no-nonsense federal marshall tries to sort out her own life while placing others in the Witness Protection program to save them from theirs. It sucks, but I had to watch all one hour and 30 minutes of it for some reason. I think it was the insomnia that forced me.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Did you know that they make and sell Spanish greeting cards at CVS? Cause I didn't. They don't have much of a variety of them, cause I only saw this one in the mother/grandmother birthday section of the cards. I was considering getting this one for Gram as a joke, but thought that it might launch a tirade about the Latin integration in our society, and would probably not end well. Just like the time that I told them that my driving instructor was Asian. I'll never hear the end of that one!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Well today I had it in my mind that I would finish my stupid revision, but of course I didn't get it done. I'm stuck and it's pissing me off to the point where I just shut down. Instead, I worked on my algebra homework and when Kara and Melissa visited me I didn't even finish that. I might just have to resign myself this weekend to get it all done. Sorry in advance!


I escaped from work early to see the new Indiana Jones movie. I thought it was pretty good for having been 20 plus years in the making. The special effects were much cooler than the previous three, so the 2 decade wait was well worth it. Apparently the critics did not enjoy it, but who really cares what they have to say anyways. As a side note, a new Mummy movie is expected for this year, but one of the main characters was replaced. Bummer.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


It was Uncle Tom's second retirement party tonight! Second, as in he already had a party but this time with a vengeance. He seemed pretty happy about it, which was cool since it was a surprise. Unfortunately, as with all functions that include an open bar, a roast was planned that included the worst jokes anyone has ever heard. At which point, Lenny and I booked it out the door to meet up with Megan and Michelle at Derby Street instead. A fun time was had by all, and I bought a new book to read after The Bell Jar is finished.