Sunday, May 31, 2009


Long after work, Leonard and I ventured out to visit with Tom and Liz and their friend Nick, who lives like 5 minutes away from here. He cooked us a ridiculous meal of excellent kielbasa and hamburgers, all while we watched multiple Food Network programs dealing with grilling and burgers.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


UP was really cute. It made me cry a little but it was so good. Disney movies always find some creative way to rip your heart out while telling you a meaningful life lesson.

Friday, May 29, 2009


I did so much chemistry today it's not even funny! I did it like, voluntarily too. So I was really quite proud. I understand what's going on too! I went out to eat at Panda Palace with Kara etc. for dinner and watching karaoke. People really have very little inhibitions when it comes to singing while intoxicated.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


"I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!" I had my first lab today, where I discovered that the man that I see all over the place (even out of school) is my Chemistry TA! We make awkward eye contact. Leonard and I watched There Will Be Blood. It was really good and there were unintentionally funny parts. I liked it a lot.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


"Oh hey look at my tan! I got color! You there, I have a tan." I create havoc where ever I go, it seems. After my first chemistry class (which happens to include several people I already know. What are the odds?) I joined Kara for a bit of tanning and my first coffee from Marylou's. We then went to the plaza to play with puppies and search for a special chapstick, which we did not find. Finally we ended up at Walgreen's, where Bert had a coronary and nearly died had it not been for AAA's (not so quick) jump-starting action. Wow, pretty good 6 month old battery! Fantastic. Just fantastic.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


After roast beef sangs and many episodes of Deadliest Catch at Leonard's house, Megan and I headed to this place here to blow some dough with old people. It was mobbed! Everybody wanted in on the special Memorial Day wheel. Not that we got to see much of it. I don't think they used it while we were there.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I don't know if this is rum punch but I am making it represent rum punch. Which I had tonight at the Abington Ale House. Kenny was up visiting!! So very exciting. I need to pick better movies to talk about. I have so many that I love.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


For Megan's graduation we celebrated at the Beehive in town. It was so out of control. Very cool place, even if it's hard to find a parking spot. Jon had to park near my car and help me parallel park cause I am inept.


Something happened here I swear.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So so attractive Kate. Brownie-teeth is the look for you! Aside from a nice lazy day that I spent outside under an umbrella with Charlie, I went out with Kara etc. to Chili's. And then back to Melissa's house ATBTF. Now I need to do some frantic studying for my final final tomorrow. Anatomy kills my will to live. And thank you for the wallpaper link Megan.


"Hmm, how should I swing from here to there?" Len and I took a lovely trip down to Newport, RI today where we visited The Breakers. It was very cool but, despite having headphones and prerecorded, tour guideless audio to listen to, the old employees followed and watched the two of us like hawks. Like they were just waiting for a reason to kick us out cause we looked troublesome. Anyways, we walked on the Cliff Walk (which seemed the length of the entire state) and found some sweet rocks to climb on. When we finally made it back to the car, we drove to Pawtucket to see the stadium and the fancy Dunkie's. It was such a nice day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So I'm pretty certain that I did well on my nutrition exam. I knew most of the 200 questions and I was able to get all but like, 2 points of the 30 point extra credit section. Who's ever heard of 30 extra points added to an exam? He must be expecting everyone to fail. Did I mention he explicitly gave us all the bonus question's answers in advance, in the exact format as on the exam? Or that he reused all the other questions from the previous 3 exams? I'm thinking there is no way I can lose here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I think I already posted this picture a while back but that's okay. I'm working on a paper at the moment and I'm super stressed out. I'll be so ecstatic tomorrow afternoon when nutrition and this woman's studies class is over and I never have to think about them ever again. I hate leaving things til the last minute. But really, I know I'll never stop cause I always do really well on papers that I finish like this. I'm getting positive reinforcement for doing things the wrong way and it's screwing with my psyche! That's like, the first rule in dog training.
[Note:] I'm at that point where I'm comparing myself to an animal, that's how bad this is.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I re-figured out how to make ringtones for my phone! Now a party favor horn honks when I get a text. It's really exciting. I just spent the last few hours engrossed in National Geographic's programs about the apocalypse, cults, and Dan Brown. I'm such a world's expert right now. Also, I'm pretty sure I heard two gunshots go off while I was brushing my teeth.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I have finally accepted the truth and joined my brethren: the old people at Fascination in Hull. At like 10 at night, these old people are gambling their grankids' inheritance away ($1 at a time) by playing this addicting skeeball type game. It's so much fun and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Jon for suggesting it. Thanks Jon. Thon.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Well I don't know what's up with the green lines on the side, but pictures taken during the day look nice! I got my new phone today and I'm so in love. It's the Samsung Alias 2 and it flips both ways and has this crazy keyboard where all the buttons change!! Also, we met up with Liz and Tom and decided to drive down to the Cape tonight. It was so ridiculously foggy and creepy.

Friday, May 15, 2009


(With the obvious exception of the Patriots) Boston's teams were so not into it tonight. That's all I will say about that though as this is so not place for sports commentary. It was a day for relaxation today! It feels really nice not to have to go to class. I know my attitude will change soon but for now I'm secretly excited to have this chemistry class coming up. Call me a sadist, if you will.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Here, Lenny is trying not to laugh at the little boy laughing at him. He's just off-camera and he was running around the store all willy nilly. I mean, I would laugh too if I saw someone else trying on hockey padding! Anyways. First, I had my Nutrition review class. That was 2 hours of my life I will never get back. I need them back.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


From this angle my school looks like a castle preparing to defend the coast from pirate attack! Finally, finally, finally my last day of classes was today. I'm so excited that my nutrition grade turned out better than I hoped! My average is an 81, which is way more than I could have hoped for. Such a painful class. You don't even KNOW.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


After hanging out with Leonard all day long, we met up with Josh and Kolin at the driving range. I made a fool of myself hitting the ball, but that's okay. Then we went for sushi at the Sei Bar in Medford! It was SO good. I'm totally in love with sushi now.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Happy mother's day to any mothers who happen to come across this! I left work early cause I literally had like 5 customers all day. But naturally, as it always happens, someone was pounding on the door despite it being locked and with a sign on it saying when it would close. Fascinating! The general public is so ridiculous. Anyways, I went to Gram's afterward where I ate way too much food and relaxed. My family is pretty awesome.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


RAWR. He's feisty! Before immersing ourselves in missed episodes of Grey's Anatomy, we had Chipotle for dinner and Michael's Craft Store for dessert. We're just so crafty!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I actually exercised today! I got an excellent workout playing tennis with Michelle at the high school and I hope that by doing so I can make up for my past transgressions (ahem) with her. She's a wonderful tennis teacher and with only a few extra suggestions, I was finally able to get it over the net! While we were there we watched a young boy beaten into proper tennis form by who we assume was his father. We took our sweaty selves to Panera for dinner and I actually finished my soup for once! Then we went to her house to watch the news. It cannot be said that we are not worldly.

Friday, May 8, 2009


This round mass sitting on the floor and staring at me is named Sunny. You've met her before in an earlier post but I thought she would be appropriate to show again. I went to Melissa's house after my exam tonight and hung out with all of them. Hilarious things were said, I chased a bunny and peed at least 4 times in 3 hours. Productive night indeed!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I had a great picture of a turtle that we made the acquaintance of today, but unfortunately I'm lazy and don't feel like uploading them right now. I'll fix this post tomorrow with it. In other news, this might be my new phone! It looks pretty cool and performs this crazy flip maneuver that you don't see on any other phone. It's called the Samsung Alias and though it's a deviation from my beloved Lg, I think it might be a good gamble. We'll see.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Apparently that old phrase, "April showers bring May flowers" doesn't apply anymore. I'm getting pretty sick of the rain now. Luckily I had my umbrella today! Whew!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


After a day filled with love, fun things and my Leonard, I joined Michelle, Megan, Jon and Mitch at the Fours where I resolutely ignored the Celtics game as best I could while drinking my captain and coke. I can't wait for summer and warm weather.

Monday, May 4, 2009


My blessed internet has returned to me! I heard the WAAH noise, during an engrossing fight scene involving Jason Bourne and some baddies, that alerted me to new email and my heart skipped a beat! I thought all was lost for a while there. My internet is never down for that long. Especially when I take special care to perform all my usual troubleshooting rituals such as (including but not limited to) unplugging and replugging the router, unplugging and replugging the cable box, moving the antennae to the north while shaking a shrunken head, or performing a rain dance. Also, Lime Leaf again today. I'm such a valuable customer.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Basically, Friday's is going to cause me to lose all my friends with the way they make their drinks. Granted, I'm a lightweight anyways, but when they gave me my drink named after a natural disaster I should have known that I was in for it. The words flowed from my mouth in very embarrassing ways that I couldn't stop with conscious thought. As per usual, I said stupid things that shed light into the inner most workings of my brain. So shameful! Please forgive me for believing I could "make" friends, in the most literal sense.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Michelle and I have lovely date nights together during which we go places and do couple-y things. Tonight we went to Olive Garden and had some wine and pasta, which was very splendid. Then my mother texts me and asks how Michelle's new job is going. I answer and say goodbye. She comes back with "Love you too sweetpea. Ps- could you ID the carcass." She wanted to know what kind of animal I thought was smushed in the pavement on the way to Michelle's house. Oh mum. She's the best.


I just finished watching this and I have to say that it's actually a really good adaptation from the book. I can't say that many movies that are based off of books do well or stay true to the book, but this one was excellent. Too bad it took me so long to watch it! Also, thanks for letting me borrow it Len!