Saturday, February 28, 2009


These are chicken feet. They are one of the many wonders you discover when you roam your local ethnic supermarket. Namely, Kam Man Marketplace. What a place of wonder! Megan and I found some really disturbing things there, even more disturbing than these feet. Later, we went to Not Your Average Joe's where I had two Mai Tais and a coughing fit.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I was very very lucky today. The quiz that was scheduled for today was cancelled because my TA decided not to show up and neglected to mention it to anyone. So the quiz is postponed until next week! I wasn't especially ready for it, but I have so much more time to study now. Know what else is great? Ramen noodles and the Prestige. And a special drink I like to call Rum and Orange juice.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Of all the days not to remember my camera, we see some really pretty things that would have looked great. Not cool! Because today was Ash Wednesday and I couldn't eat meat, we went to Kelly's for lunch and I was able to get a delicious shrimp roll! Then we went to Breakheart Reservation to take a nice walk when we found some ice to safely skate on. Finally, we went to Nahant to pick out some real estate for when we get rich.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I realized today (just a couple of minutes ago actually) that what I've been having at night is only heartburn. It only seems to irritate me when I lie down though, so that's good. I just need to keep an eye on it for a while. Just in case. Anyways! I watched Swordfish tonight and before that, I had school. As per usual.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


A woman's WEAVE saved her from a speeding bullet! That's unbeWEAVEable! I LOLed quite a bit. After such a nice day hanging out with my Leonard, I'm procrastinating finishing my schoolwork in favor of looking up things on Wikipedia. Not good!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Yes, I do in fact follow Shaq on Twitter. I believe he's the real thing. I mean, it says so in his username! The Oscars were on tonight, hosted by Hugh Jackman. I very much enjoyed the musical numbers they had. Lots of singing and dancing and even Anne Hathaway joined in! She's awesome.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


"Who else seen the leprechaun, say yay!" "YAY!!" I had a nice day today. It went by pretty fast, what with the work I had to do and the visitors I had. Leonard and I went out to eat with Crystal and Cory to this little Chinese place in Rockland. Our waitress was ridiculous. "Yoo won num num pleass?" We were so awful, but I felt it was justified.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


After doing nothing all day long today, Michelle and I went out for a nice little date at Friendly's for ice cream! I was very proud of myself when I actually finished my three scooper, because I can't recall ever being able to do that before. Then we went to Jamie's to hang out with her and Laila. Cesar Milan is amazing.

Friday, February 20, 2009


It's no secret that I like to take pictures of dead things. Even better when someone poses with the aforementioned dead thing in a creative way! Speaking of creativity, Kara is writing a provocative haiku book about me, but unfortunately our publisher will not let us reveal any specifics. I'll keep you posted. And then not speaking at all of creativity, I burned the entire back of my left hand with scalding hot soup today!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


It's Greifball! The ball everyone loves to feel bad about! It was a nice day on the North Shore, as we spent it window-shopping and people-watching. And the snow! Oh how I was not looking forward to the snow. It's pretty and all, but I'm just not feeling it unless my pajamas and a hot chocolate are waiting for me immediately after I'm out in it for too long. It gets cold and depressing after a while.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


TV is keeping me up at the ungodly hour. Sometimes I really hate when I have to see something through. Especially something as silly as tv. I wish I could channel it elsewhere.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


First nutrition test tomorrow! I'm going to go ahead and assume that it's going to be pretty easy for the most part. I've been wrong before, but I'm feeling good about it. 

Monday, February 16, 2009


Yet another night has gone by where I waste away while watching the delicious dishes on the Food Network (note the use of alliteration!). My big plan for work today was to get some serious studying done with Kara before our first test on Tuesday. Guess what didn't happen. Youtube got in the way, as usual.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Happy Valentine's Day to all my wonderful lovers! I hope your day was as happy as mine was. 

Saturday, February 14, 2009


In case it's unclear, this is a display on top on a kiosk advertising gold and silver teeth that you have the option of purchasing. Strange, until you remember that it's in Braintree and that Brockton is right down the street. Megan and I also witnessed some delinquent kids steal a tip jar from the food court only to run around in circles rather than flee the scene like anyone else would. They probably had to wait for mom to pick them up.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I can't think of any probable reason for it, but my butt is in such pain. Like, strenuous butt-exercises pain. No idea how that happened, as I have not exercised. In other news, I dissected a sheep heart today! It was very exciting and I stuck my finger right through the vena cava!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


This made me stop and LOL so I had to take a picture. I spent the day with Leonard and it was very lovely. We intended to walk through Breakheart Reservation since it was such a nice day out, but it seems that someone forgot to plow the trails and we were not in the mood for snowshoeing. So we took a peek at the ice skating rink, but there was a high school game going on (Saugus was losing) so we didn't stick around. We ended up at the Northshore Mall where we found this fun rare gemstone store that also appears in Rockport (our favorite place, basically). So fun!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The printers at school hate me. I felt personally attacked by them today. Apparently the way you log on to a computer at school is now completely different from last semester and it screwed me over big time. Never again UMB, never again.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I was sort of a total waste of space today. I ate nothing of value and I procrastinated like you wouldn't believe. My rut has made its return.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I have nothing interesting to report from today, really. This picture was pretty hilarious from last night, so I'm going to use it instead of nothing! It was technically after midnight anyways, therefore I can use it for today. Work was pretty lame as usual.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Sangria Saturdaaaaay! This is clearly not sangria. It's Disaronno or something. I shouldn't be near a computer right now. It's probably not safe. Also, Laila is not much of a lady. She likes my goods a little too much. I can't help it that I smell excellent though. 

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I think I can get used to only going to school twice a week! I did an awful lot of studying today and for that I am proud. Then I started to get these ridiculous cramps and that ended that and I went to watch tv. You know, you know.

Friday, February 6, 2009


So many times have I said that I'm going to go to bed earlier every night and it's getting really hard to listen to myself! What a pain. The highlight of the day, besides literally crying with silent laughter in Nutrition (completely unrelated to the lecture, believe me) was when we did a blood typing lab in Anatomy. It wasn't real blood though, so that was disappointing. We WILL be dissecting sheep hearts next week, however! Exciting!! I need to go find my kit..

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Warranty fail! Anyways, today I picked up the few books I still had left to get and then went to Leonard's house. Tennessee BBQ for lunch where we heard the must disgusting eater I've ever witnessed. I got a cute new hate from Dick's Sporting Goods and we watched 30 Rock and Tim & Eric clips at home. LOST is getting even more awesome as the weeks go by. I can't handle it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It was kind of a nice day today, despite getting up way too late and almost missing my first class. And the snow. And the AZN class I was going to take. But all was fine because I switched it for another women's study class which I found to be a lot of fun and I already made friends! Yay! Oh, and yet another person pointed out that I'm on the school website. That's always going to follow me around.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I experimented with curry chicken from Sweet Lemons today! It was very nice, but I think I'll try something else next time. I wasn't expecting it to be creamy, which is not one of my favorite textures. But it had such a nice flavor! And their Thai iced tea was AMAZING. I'll be returning. Also, it was my mum's birthday today!


Happy superbowl day! I was quite disappointed in the end result, but I'm over it. It was a great game and really close so that's the important thing. I wanted the underdogs to win! Ah well, thus is life.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This snack fills any need you might have for eating your household pets, but without all the messy clean-up afterwards. Late-night supermarket trolling is definitely one of my favorite things to do, I must confess. Also, drinking is a lot of fun. I can't wait for homemade sangria night!