Friday, October 31, 2008


As I don't want to forget to do it tonight (due to stumbling drunkness) I figured I would start early! Happy Halloween my loves! I'm SO so excited for Jamie's bash tonight, I can hardly sit still. Soon I'm going to meet up with Megan and get eats and once Jon gets out of work we can go! I'm pretty proud of the sewing job with my Alice in Wonderland costume, I can't wait to show it off.


It was a nice relaxing day at Len's house. We had intended to try ice skating at the rink near his house, but as Murphy's Law is always in effect, it's only open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Oh well.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


This was the peaceful moment right before a big goose shat on my car. Today was full of busyness, as Wednesdays usually are. I keep getting crappy test grades in my chemistry class, but luckily for me all of my lab tests have been 9.5/10 or higher. So that's a HUGE boost to my grade. I hope it's enough.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A rainbow, looking like it came out of a cartoon it was so perfect, appeared over my school today, right before I went to class. It was such a dreary day, I didn't want to get out of bed at all. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


From what can be salvaged from the complete wreck that was today, I can at least say that I bought the cute dress that I wanted from Forever 21. Since appropriateness is the name of the game, that's all I can really say.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I bought and finished embellishing my apron for my costume today! It came out really nice. I'm thinking that tomorrow I'll go looking for a dress to go with it at Forever 21 or something like that. And then of course, lots and lots of studying.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Bruins game tonight! Vs the Atlanta Thrashers. It was excellent, sitting on the edge of your seat, non-stop excitement (not to mention the excellent seats we had)! We won 5 to 4 and it was so close the whole game. SO good. There was this little kid they kept showing on the jumbo screen who was like 5, but would rip off his shirt to reveal a big B painted on his chest and then whirl the shirt over his head while flexing his muscles for the crowd. He was AMAZING.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


The pajamas featured here were found in the little girls section of the store. For the 7 foot tall, beastly little girls. We encountered several creepy people (in Abington) who were missing teeth, which is pretty much the norm considering the locale. Then we went to Chili's for drinks and snacks because Jon was going to sit in the bar alone and we couldn't allow such a sad thing to occur.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Look, I didn't forget to blog tonight! Excellent! Look what other exciting thing I did today. 10 boxes of Chiclets, Butter Rum Lifesavers and two pairs of gloves for under $8! Such a bargain hunter.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I was pretty horrified to learn today that I, unfortunately and unintentionally, skipped yesterday's post. I'm pretty sad about it, but I assure my adoring public that this will never happen again. All you really missed was my studying for the history exam I had today. Which apparently bothered me so much that I completely forgot about updating. Today was our last day to dissect the cats before their long winters nap. See you next semester Clyde!

Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm fading really fast now. I took Nyquil for my headache and the cold that I seem to be getting. Besides, the fire was making me sleepy and I haven't had a decent nights sleep in a while. Nothing of note really happened today anyways.


My mother attacked me with towels while I was watching a movie. She's just so charming! I worked in back, cleaning and such pretty much the entire day at the store, which was nice cause I snuck in my ipod to listen to while I straightened up boxes that haven't been touched in several months. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Leonard and I were LOLing at the Circle of Death that Circuit City's display Xbox has. Which means it's pretty much dead. "PLAYTIME IS OVER."

Saturday, October 18, 2008


It was particularly difficult to find a picture tonight, so this will have to do. I went to my classes, came home and napped, went to work, came home and got caught up on my Grey's Anatomy.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Super Mario Galaxy is so freakin' addicting. I had to pause the game to go and put Visine in my eyes cause they were pretty much bugging out of my head. I get a little too involved in games, so that's probably why I don't spend as much time as I'd like playing them. Leonard came over today and we went out shopping/browsing as per usual. I finally got a new flash drive that I'm excited about, since my old one only holds 256mg while the new one is 1gb. Perfect for me!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I was very excited to learn today that because of Monday's holiday, I had no chemistry lab! So I went home and took a much needed nap and relaxed and waited til I had to go back for my anatomy lab later on. Where we cut up some cats again.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've been stalling SO bad today with this dumb book that I have to write a paper on (note the bloodshot eyes). Writing papers is the bane of my existence, but I know that I'm pretty much never going to escape them. So depressing. Speaking of depressing! How about a 13-4 loss. I hang my head in sadness.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


After waking up at Leonard's house and spending way too long in my pajamas, I came home to find that I couldn't park in the driveway cause my dad decided to reseal it. So rather than just park in the street, I took a drive to the car wash to vacuum out my car. Then I went to this little cemetery near my house to take pictures. It's a lot more overgrown than I remember, but it still looks cool.

Monday, October 13, 2008


It was Liz's birthday at Jillians and we bowled like crazy! And it was good.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Milton, allegedly, likes to allow convicts to work the games and rides at their family carnivals. We didn't spend much time in their company for many reasons, but mainly cause it was closing by the time we got there. Megan and I had a very nice date night which included a romantic McDonald's meal in the Sullivan Tire parking lot across from Chili's.

Friday, October 10, 2008


My psychology discussion class had a "field trip" during class. Aka, the library to do some research. Not my idea of a good time, but at least we got out of the tiny room the class is usually held in. Also, lots of chemistry studying today too.


Today was so gorgeous out that we decided to make the best of it by getting ourselves lost in a maze in Danvers! Though the original plan was to go apple picking, we soon found out that the season was over. As you can see, it looks as though corn is on its way out too.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


So today was the first day of dissections. I was SO tempted to take a picture for the blog, but I was afraid no one would read it anymore if I did that. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the formaldehyde hardly bothered me at all. Maybe I have a special smell-immunity to it! What a strange ability to have. In other news, I got a 91 on my first Lab Practical that we had! I'm so psyched. Now I just have to wait for the results from the big test. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here are some more people who were annoying me in the library. I had to resort to headphones to drown out their loud chatter. Then shortly after they left, a man with a cell phone decided to talk really loud to a friend on said phone. People really have no common courtesy anymore. In other news, I had my big Anatomy test tonight and I feel really good about it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well, I kinda cleaned today. Not the items in this picture though, they're as straight as they'll ever be. It's pretty sad when I get excited over such a small victory as cleaning a portion of my room. I guess every little bit helps. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008


This seemed so long ago today. It was really really nice. Though it hurt a bit, it actually felt really good. We almost got rained on and afterwards we went for breakfast at this little place in Abington. As of right now I'm watching Run Fatboy Run. Pretty funny stuff, cause I love Simon Pegg.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


More sale today. It wasn't as much as yesterday, but still better than most days in recent history. Then I went home and watched Titanic.


This is approximately what the toy store looked like tonight, what with our get-booze-and-shop-for-toys sale. It was pretty freaking awesome. The food was surprisingly tasty and we had A LOT of business, which was the whole point. There's nothing like free booze to get customers to come in and buy stuff.

Friday, October 3, 2008


After my second try, I now love Fresh City. Their stir fry is pretty amazing and the next time I go, I might even be daring enough to try something different! You never know. What's too bad about it though is that it's just too far away. They're all either north or far far west. Otherwise, I'd be giving them a lot more business on a regular basis!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So I think I'm going to try this new thing: going to bed at a reasonable time. This girl was legit snoring in my 9:00 class and I hope to one day avoid being like her. Right now I'm having a hard time with it. Luckily, I take advantage of midday naps (at the appropriate times, of course) and it helps me get through the day. There are even studies out now showing how healthy they can really be. So, excellent!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The dude wearing blue behind me was chewing his food obscenely loud while I was in the library, which prompted me to immediately put on my headphones and take a picture of him. He was so obnoxious. I hate the sound of lips smacking. It pisses me off to no end.