Tuesday, September 30, 2008


After school today, I went over to Megan's to help her out with a project she's doing for school. We had an idea, which we started to run with, until the lights she borrowed from school distracted us and we had to play with them. Thus, ridiculous photoshoot.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I spent the entire day studying, even to the point of ignoring all of my customers. Now I'm watching Kill Bill and my internet is going to crap out soon cause it's been acting funny lately. 

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Laila friggen loves me. She's the prettiest lil girl ever! We celebrated my birthday again tonight at Great Chow and it was fun. Too many drinks and too much food. Then we had a dance party at Jamie's house and Laila mounted me. She's so sweet. Also, 200th post!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Poor Rosie. Dan's pug is the most miserable animal I've ever seen. We went to his house tonight to eat pizza and watch the presidential debate. Also, Megan made me a beautiful book for my birthday, and I got a 90 on my psych exam!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Chemistry makes me want to cry. Luckily my professor drops the lowest exam grade, so hopefully that will make up for the test that I'm going to fail tomorrow. I shopped a little today at the plaza and watched a little tv. The Office premiere was excellent and I'm excited to see what happens next week.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


It was my birthday today! We celebrated it at a Sox game, which was my surprise that I had to guess from all those clues Leonard gave me. He originally had bought just the two tickets, but his dad got four more from work and since they we better seats we gave the others to my parents. Better seats, as in the EMC club with waiters, cushioned seats and heaters for when it turned chilly. It was probably the best birthday ever.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


As is customary, I requested that we have my birthday (or pre-birthday) dinner at the Town Spa in Stoughton. It's pretty much my favorite pizza ever and I always finish an entire one by myself. So good. The rest of the day was alright, aside from it being filled with about a thousand anatomical terms that I have to know by next Wednesday. Also, as of right now I am 22 years old! That feels really weird to say.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have been given a riddle that is taxing on my brain. I can't figure it out and though I would like to share it, it's something that I have to figure out on my own. This was the most interesting part of my day, as the rest of it was filled with studying. 

Monday, September 22, 2008


Today was my cousin David's son Charlie's (not even kidding, his name is Charlie. Unfortunately not after my dog.) christening. It was a nice ceremony and I don't know if it's normal or not, but there were like 7 other kids getting baptized at the same time. I've been to quite a few of these (after all, Charlie is number 15) and I don't remember such a group production before. We've never been to their house before though and it was SO nice. It's in Southie and the house is three floors and gorgeous. The highlight of the day was obviously when it was my turn to hold him. He's such a happy baby that no one wanted to share.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Finally, Susan spent the money and bought a new phone for the store. The old one was so annoying cause when you answer it, the person on the other end could hear everything you're saying but you can't hear a thing. Very inconvenient for getting the customers what they want. It was a piece of crap. In other news, Megan and Jon visited me for a little bit and helped me build a hacienda. Then I went out with Lenny and we became mall rats, as usual. We rounded out the night with the ridiculousness that is Wipeout.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


My dog belongs on the cover of a magazine, he's just so sexy! Look at those piercing brown eyes, he's staring into your SOUL. Don't fight it.. Well, things have been going pretty steady so far, no meltdowns yet. Be on the lookout for one next week though. I feel one coming on with my exams already starting.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Burnout and Boots! Now there are two things that are critical in the process of making a good day. Also very important: trying a new food establishment (Fresh City), wandering aimlessly around in stores and eating too much candy while listening to the radio. 

Thursday, September 18, 2008


So I'm pretty much an insomniac. I'm exhausted during the day and I can't sleep very well at night. I don't know if this is a subconscious thing, like I'm keeping myself awake on purpose for some reason, but it's getting kind of annoying. Not only that but I don't eat very well. Something needs to change.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Mmm, a new way for me to enjoy warm chocolate in less than 30 seconds! I definitely recommend it. This was basically the excitement of the day. I know, I'm just so interesting that it's totally worth it for you to read about my daily life.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Charlie was getting very frustrated with the neighbors dog and told him to shut up. He shows them whose boss, as long as they don't get too close. Today was alright. I finally got to write my name in some wet cement, which I've been anxious to do ever since I first noticed people doing it. Unfortunately, it's in a spot where pretty much NO ONE ever walks. Wah wah.


This is my new nighttime version of "A Haunting". It's so addicting! And grotesque. And I love it. The most important thing that I did today was to FINALLY update my photo blog. So you should really go see it. If you're reading this, there is a good chance that there are pictures of you there

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I can't see and I'll fix the picture tomorrow maybe. We went to Fridays and then Megans where I had lots of Buca shots. MMmmmm. I still can't see. Lenny is sleeping here in this picture.


Today I averted a theft. A woman decided she wanted to get her money back on some boxes of lip balm you make yourself, by saying that she bought some and all of them were moldy. All, as in all five boxes (at$18 a piece) she "bought". She had no sales receipt (or boxes to show for it) and wanted her money in cash. I was all HELL NAW. Then later, Leonard surprised me at work. Since I planned on going to Kowloon's for dinner with my parents tonight, he came too. We ate a lot of food and I'm paying for it now with an upset stomach.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Leonard decided to be a butthead and wear pretty much the same shirt as me, on purpose! This is my angry face. We had a nice day, in which we ate food, listened to the radio, napped a little, played games, and ate more. We like eating a whole lot. It's special to us.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I don't know what this thing is or what company it's by, but it's SO COOL. And so crazy looking. Today was my sucky Wednesday in which I have classes from 9-8:30 and I want to hurt myself. Luckily, I finished early in my chem lab so I was able to eat lunch before my other lab started. Score!


To think, in my long line of subjects I was considering to call my major, history was one of them. What was I thinking? I can't even get through this 132 page book without thoughts of suicide. It's THAT boring. If anything about American history is interesting to me (maybe since this is required I don't want to read it. I still do like history), I want to read about lots of battles or new technology or the history of art, not the growth of oil monopolies and their effect on the economy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I made chocolate cake today. The amazing buttercream frosting will be added to taste since it will make the cake too soggy if you just leave it on there. So so good. As of a few minutes ago, I've been stuck watching a show on MSNBC about gangs in a prison in California. I'm starting to pick up my dad's taste in television. Kinda weird!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Nothing really interesting happened today. I worked. I read. I sat on the computer for hours reading ridiculous articles on the worst rock band names or the most badass martial arts on Cracked.com. When I got home from work, we watched this guy named Jeff Dunham on Comedy Central. He was pretty good, but what my parents really got a kick of was Jim Gaffigan who was on after this guy. Hilarity ensued. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008


The only good part of the day happened later in the night when we hung out with Megan and had a photoshoot. Following that was a dance party, as you can see by the picture. Oh, and the part when we were at Chili's and the little girl in the booth behind us was being ignored by her parents so she proceeded to (or tried to) climb over the seat and bother us. She had a spoonful of rice that got everywhere.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


White Mocha's band is a lot of fun. Too bad it was a hassle attempting to find the elusive bar they were playing at. We even had to pay a cover charge at the incorrect bar to find him. Good thing Jon was able to get our money back. Whatevs. When we found it I had a good drink and danced around and it was a happy experience. I hope he appreciates all we went through!

Friday, September 5, 2008


This wasn't from today, but it's where I was for a good majority of it. After picking up my hideously expensive (and heavy) books from the bookstore at school, I went up to Leonard's where we made use of his pool on this hot day. We got roast beef for lunch, so you know it was a good day. Just now, I spent utterly too long reading about birth in my Anatomy and Physiology book, alternating between exclamations of EW and WOW.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Such a nice day out today. Luckily, three out of five of my classes today haven't started yet since they're labs/discussions, so I was able to enjoy the outdoors. At least for a little while. The shade was chilly. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Happy 3 year anniversary to us, my love! Today was the official day, which we spent at one of the first places we visited when we were still new, Castle Island. Unfortunately, the first day of school got in the way of our anniversary so we could only spend a little time together, but it was nice while it lasted. I had my first class, Anatomy and Physiology. It's intense and I'm sure I'm going to have a very busy and stressful semester.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


My dad and I have found a new activity that we can share together: shooting targets in the backyard with his new BB gun that he bought in Maine yesterday. I felt like such a hick, but I got over that pretty fast when I knocked down the water bottles we had set up. I'm pretty awesome, basically. When Mum got home she was very eager to try it out, so now it's a fun family activity! Later I went to DQ with Jamie and then to her house to meet Laila, the new puppy. What a little sweetheart she is; I made a new friend.

Monday, September 1, 2008


We celebrated our 3 year anniversary today, since we would be busy on the actual day. It was very nice. We had dinner at Polcari's and exchanged gifts. One of the things I got was a polarizing filter for my camera, which I played with here. It was just a very nice day. I love my Leonard.