Thursday, July 31, 2008


This might look ordinary to you, but early this morning there were three very large trees here that provided wonderful shade on a hot, sunny day. I lament their death, as they were ripped out of their homes and shredded to bits at 7:30 in the morning. Luckily I somehow slept through the racket. Then Dad and I watched a surprisingly good kung fu movie called The Curse of the Golden Flower. And then The Frighteners. It was a pretty decent day. I would also like to add that it is my Leonard's 21st birthday!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I've been on a big Beatles kick lately. Their music puts me in a happy place that is completely separate from other happy places that other bands put me, in like, a class of their own. It reminds me of my childhood and how we used to dance and yell the words out really loud. We used to be really big on music in my house, always a cd going. I don't know what happened or why it's not important to them anymore. I'm just glad of how it made me appreciate music.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today's craft was painting rocks. Utter chaos ensued and when I wasn't looking some little brat took like 15 of them for herself leaving nearly none for anyone else. And Susan made a surprise visit. 

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Another fun-filled day at the toy store. I played with our new Playmobil displays and I plan to put them in the front windows and make them pretty, rather than let the kids play with them like I'm supposed to. They'll mess them up! They're just too cool for that. Later on, I got a call from Leonard and Josh who wanted to stop by on their way home since they were in the area. Since it's a Sunday, nothing was open at the time we were out except Borders. Which closes at 9. So then they dropped me off and I did the dishes. 


This is my Dad dancing to "Low". He's a very good dancer as you can see with the correct facial expressions and everything. Tonight was Mary and Derek's wedding at Sacred Heart (it's HUGE now) with the reception at the beautiful Black Rock Country Club. It was insanely expensive-looking there, needless to say since it was in Hingham. There was an open bar that I took full advantage of and a dance floor that I showed off my classy moves on. I danced so much in fact that I have blisters on my feet since I didn't think to remove my shoes first, which was probably due to my alcohol consumption.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Tonight was a most ridiculous night, much like every other night involving the Hingham Starbucks crew. It included: alcohol, the hot tub, splashing, awkward standing around, more alcohol, and Wendy's. Oh, and I got my nails done today. 

Friday, July 25, 2008


I sure hope no one is still awake waiting for this post (wink wink)! I spent most of my day at the Leonard abode, watching the crazy weather and relaxing. We went shopping at Square One where we saw and talked to (for a few moments) one very tall Russell in a spankin' new Vivanno shirt that reeked of coffee. We ate roast beef and watched and laughed at (and got jealous of) the people on WipeOut. I need to find a way to live in California so I can have my moment of fame and glory on that show.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I'm doing this now cause I don't know if the thunder and lightning storm will knock out our power, and therefore our internet, or not. It was a really quiet day and I spent most of it hanging on the computer. Oh noooo! It's saying it can't contact Blogger! I might cry a little.


The theme of the night was Pats Training Camp posters and the Deadliest Catch marathon. A trip to Walgreens was in order, where I got some delicious Chex Mix and an Arizona Iced Tea. Back at Michelle's house things got pretty hot on the couch, because Alex wore a dress that was too short and covered herself in a blanket that radiated heat to everyone in the vicinity. Inapproapriateness ensued. I hope this post was more satisfying than the last, dear reader who was unsatisfied!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Sigh. I forgot how much I love this movie/Leonardo DiCaprio/Daniel Day Lewis. But not Cameron Diaz. No thank you.

Monday, July 21, 2008


I have little to no coordination in my body and this is usually the result of that. I receiving this wound by walking through my door. It seems pretty impossible that I hit the INSIDE of my LEFT knee on the RIGHT side of my door jam, but alas, I've learned to expect the ridiculous. Looks like my goal of having nice legs for Mary's wedding are no more, especially with the 10 or so bug bites on my right leg. Oh well.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


New a/c, Chili's, Home Depot (not Lowe's) and the screen porch made up the events for the night. Oh and all my butterflies survived their cocoons and are thriving. I'll probably let them go tomorrow.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Chris, pictured above, was very drunk from the glass of wine in his hand when he decided to put that ball thing on his head and sing karaoke to Beyonce's "Irresistible." We arrived at a party we weren't invited to, with foreigners that blatantly hated our presence, and spent the night being obnoxious with a ping pong table and stealing puzzle pieces from the rich family who owned the home we were in. And then we were stopped at a Sobriety Checkpoint in Hingham. It was a good night.

Friday, July 18, 2008


This is man-love right here. A very special Brushstrokes photo shoot left the four of us completely encrusted in black, white and blue paint, that will probably never wash out of my hair or out from beneath my toenails. After a long and painful hose-shower, we headed to Megan's for a night of S-bux people and crazy drunks. They're always so entertaining.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


This is Sunny. We bonded after I peed alot in the bathroom at Melissa's house. He was SO fluffy, I wanted to sleep in him. I smell like all manner of contraband, but whatever. It was a good night. And note the time! I was going to sleep over, but decided that my year-long commitment to my blog was more important. Feel special!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This was probably a really dangerous picture to take today, since I was driving at the time and merging into on-coming traffic, but I like to live life on the edge. I've been having a really hard time getting up in the morning lately. I don't know if it's just cause I go to bed too late at night or what, but I wake up achy like I slept too long. I know, I know, I should just stop complaining. It's just so hard to though! Today I learned, and experienced the differences between the North Shore mall and the Liberty Tree mall, both of which belong to Simon and are like, 10 feet from each other. These are neither of the differences.


It was all about the penguins and the music/photos from my external hard drive today. The penguins were a silly painting project at work to bring in business, and the music/photos were something I've been meaning to backup for some time now, but just too lazy to do it til today. Not much else to say.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


This post will be dedicated to Jamie, because today was her last full day in Massachusetts before she leaves for Iowa for the rest of the summer. We're all gonna miss her and her crazy ways, but we know she'll have a good time out there in the corn fields and down by the crik. And no, Lenny isn't an alum from Wey-High, he just plays one sometimes. 


This was my two minute lunch, consisting of pre-cooked AZN noodles, some kind of soy sauce, sesame seeds and paper thin veggies. It was one of those all-you-do-is-heat kinda foods that I got at CVS and it actually wasn't so bad. The soy sauce might have been a little too concentrated, but it was okay. At least it wasn't Lean Cuisine (this is the point where I'd say my cute little joke, but I'll spare you). Then later on tonight I picked up some deodorant from Ocean State Job Lot 45 minutes after it closed, and I'm still trying to figure out how it happened.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I like to be excessive and do unnecessary things. It's in my nature. Today it was a collection of Dunkies/Starbucks cups full of delicious liquids, but usually it's various snack foods that I start eating and don't finish, or clothes that I need to clean, or books that I need to finish reading. I know I have a hoarding problem, but I suppose the first step is admitting it!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Redundancy FTW. I died a little inside when I saw this in real life at the Christmas Tree Shop, and for $12.99! I WISH I bought it, now that I'm reflecting. Oh well. I already made enough purchases today, what with another pair of sunglasses, 5 Cow Tails, slice of pizza, Gameboy game ($9.99!!), new hat, taquitos, and a shake. I feel like I missed something though..

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I indulged today to celebrate the end of my class and the actual beginning of my summer! Just as Wendy's was supplying me with the nugs, Bert decided it would be hilarious to stall in the drive-thru line when it was all the way out to the street. After numerous whispered "Bertmutherfucker's" I was able to drive away from the experience with my pride only slightly damaged. He's been such a diva lately.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We played the Wall-E game today. It was pretty cute, and kind of exactly like you're watching the movie. Then ate at the Newbridge Cafe with boasts a delicious house salad dressing. Later we went to Megan's house to participate in a pool party with all her Sbux friends plus the four of us. So that's about 13 people right there. It was cool, and I wish I took pictures. I have my last class tomorrow, which is a final, which I haven't studied for yet. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


From our Pixar debate today, I have decided that this is my favorite short, for the mere reason that any screenshot of it makes me laugh. Also, Wall-E is my (new) top Pixar movie beating out Toy Story 1+2 and Finding Nemo. I just can't put the rest of them in any consecutive order. It's too hard to do cause they're all masterpieces in their own ways. 

Monday, July 7, 2008


I found a new website (actually not very new, but a renewed interest you could say) called which showcases all these videos about lectures from fascinating people and the research they conduct. This is the video that first caught my attention, and it was all downhill from there. I don't know, I just feel smarter after I watch them. It makes me want to do something wonderful with my life.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


This movie made me exhibit in public one of my more annoying attributes: snorting while laughing. It's the slapstick humor that really gets me, cause not much (except puppies and babies) makes me happier than when someone's face gets comically smashed against a wall in an attempt to escape.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Happy 4th of July! This was from the sea wall at Michelle's beach house in Hull where we saw at least 10 different fireworks shows. It was such a nice time and almost everyone was there! Minus Aron and Kenny, and of course my Lenny, but he "joined" later on by drunk-dialing me. I really really want to witness him drunk first-hand cause if he's half as funny as he is on the phone, then my life will be complete. 

Friday, July 4, 2008


We went to a 3rd of July party (Sbux style) in Brant Rock, and it was probably the best 4th of July I've ever had. It was just, so much fun. We saw a cover band to the tribute band of Sublime, Bad Fish, who is a customer at Starbucks (White Mocha), sat feet from where the fireworks were being shot off, danced a whole lot, sang a whole lot, was loud and obnoxious, and made friends. It was such a good night.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I love this! M. C. Escher is one of my favorites, and this just made me laugh. Anyways, we stayed at Len's S-bux today to watch for and then (maybe, if the opportunity presented itself) attack (but not physically) the little girl that is obsessed with Len. She is really very irritating, and the mission was only successful in that we got to see what she looked like. She ran away scared after she saw Megan's evil glare though. Later we had a dance/karaoke party in the screen porch with Mishk and Al. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I hung around with these fools today! We took a trip to Castle Island, the Plaza and then Megan's house for Cranium and swimming. The boys lacked bathing suits so they went in with their boxers and it was very awkward, especially when mine turned his around so the hole was in the back. But looking back it was all very awkward, so picking out just one moment wouldn't be fair to the rest of the awkward moments.