Saturday, May 31, 2008


MegShan asked me to empty the contents of my bag, hence the mess in front of me. We all went to DQ before this and ate some delicious ice cream, which I of course made a mess of. I spent the earlier part of the day sunning myself with Charlie in the backyard and reading my book while swatting away annoying bugs. 

Friday, May 30, 2008


Calzone-face taunts you! This was our lunch, and it was delicious. After lounging around the house for a few hours, we drove down to Josh's house where we played 18 holes of Tiger Woods Wii golf, in which I got my ass kicked. Then we got some exercise by walking to the trashy Meadow Glen mall and back. The LOST season finale was amazing and I can't wait to watch it again online tomorrow. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This has no real connection to today. It's just funny. I had my math class, which was alright, but when I finally got home I discovered horrible music blaring from the speakers! I immediately left cause I can't stand being forced to listen to my dad's shitty taste in music. Would you be able to concentrate on homework to the mediocre sounds of Los Lonely Boys? I think not. 


I had my first algebra class today, which I thought would end up in complete disaster but actually turned out to be okay. My teacher has an accent like Dracula's, and is a little hard to understand at first, but I got used to it quickly. Then Alex and I took a trip to Randolph to see The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, which I quite enjoyed. I wish I could remember back to 8th grade when I read it so that I can better critique its adaptation from the book. Later on, Megan, Michelle and I drove up to the north shore and visited Lenny at work, before watching him perform at an open mic at O'Briens. Though the audience was significantly younger than last time, they were far far creepier in my opinion. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Today was a day of relaxation. I read my book and ignored the nearly zero customers that we had today. I really enjoy my book because it is about a neurotic junior in college, who in her summer before senior year, progressively grows insane. And I feel I can relate to that sort of story line. I'm all about the insanity. In other news, my dad drank all of my Goldschlager.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Today was the day of arts and crafts! I found Indy on this great site that I will be visiting over and over again. Work was lame til Megan and Michelle visited me. Then we convened at Megan's house for our usual marathon of Iron Chef America ("Alaaaaay cuisine!!"), and to participate in artsy activities. I painted a picture of a sunset and it was very nice to get back into painting. And then Michelle was my subject when I decided to figure draw. I love the show The Deadliest Catch, by the way.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I'm writing this from Megan's house! And I don't know whattype of font this is, but it's okahy. I like the goldschlager. It's pretty sweet.. OH NO SHE FOUND US.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Special friends! I finally finished the semester today with my last biology exam. I felt pretty confident in it, but that usually doesn't mean anything cause when I feel good about something it more often than not means that I did it wrong. Cause that's how my luck goes. Not only that, but I experienced the worst cramps I think I've ever had in my life today. I was sitting in my car trying to study and I had to stop for a while and curl into a ball and die. My Tylenol Rapid Release wasn't as rapid as I'd hoped. But the night was great, complete with a trip to the beach and a little soul-crushing, which is always a good time. 

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Everything is just ridiculous! Just ridiculous! I couldn't even find a nearly appropriate picture to describe the happenings. It makes me laugh and get light-headed a little, in fact! And I don't know what else to write except, in completely unrelated news, that Grey's Anatomy was excellent tonight and I finally feel good about a season finale.


This is Alex's beautiful dress that opened up the MassART fashion show! I couldn't get a good picture of the front cause the girl whipped around too fast. It was a lot of fun though, seeing all the pretty dresses and making fun of the dumb models. There was this one, oh goodness. I just felt so bad for her. But not bad enough that I was going to stop making fun of her, obviously. She was hilarious looking, the poor thing. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This is another dog we saw today. He was so cute and wiggily that this is the best picture I have of him. Oh well. I'm just so tired right now, this is the best I can do.

Monday, May 19, 2008


This is Hank the Tank! He lives at Debbie's Pet Land at the Square One mall, until someone buys him to the tune of $3199. We went to this creepy place in Everett where we took pictures of asbestos filled rooms. Then awkwardly visited Starbucks and made some new friends (or at least Megan and I did), who gave us free drinks, illegally. Walked around the mall afterwards and saw Hank. There are far too many gangsta-bitch stores there. Finally, we climbed a mountain and took glamour shots of ourselves. We're so fabulous!


Work was lame. After was nice though! Coldstone for Cake n' Shake, Starbucks for stalking, and Stop and Shop for talking. Good night indeed. 

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Christmas at the plaza! I bought a new dress today, but I don't know how I feel about it. It's cute but maybe not wedding appropriate. Mum said it was, but I dunno! Whatevs. Love and I played Mario Kart. And the day was very long, and filled with annoying customers that I wanted to hurt. 

Saturday, May 17, 2008


This was the night, in a picture. We stalked many a Wey High alum. And laughed at LONGCATISLOOONG. Awkward conversations with weird boys, and eating quesadillas. 

Friday, May 16, 2008


Sad Vader is Sad. Today just all around sucked! First I was stood up for plans made a while ago, and then rather harshly told to forget about it. Then when I went to get my car vacuumed the machine ate all of the quarters I had left, and didn't even have the decency to work for me. I got my free iced coffee from Dunkies, but it wasn't very good. I went to Walmart (shudder) and they had nothing I wanted except for a cool new Kleenex box that is oval. It's a mess in there, p.s. And now I found out that they boy my Megan liked prefers slutty little juniors in high school. I hate little teenage girls, they ruin everything.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I was all about the coffee today. First with the iced Dunkies, then with the free Pikes from Starbucks. I creeped on Megan at one of her first of many boring work meetings where she has to learn things. I sat and read the new book that I just bought and made it to about the middle by the time I was forced away by an annoying child eating a bagel and cream cheese with her mouth wide open mere inches from my head. Then when it was over we took a stroll around Derby St, where we enjoyed overpriced gelato at Whole Foods. Finally we went to Payless and parted ways. I just finished watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch movie onDemand, and now I wish I didn't cause it's pretty late.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Today was like yesterday, but I got things done! AND I got to see my love for more than 10 minutes. It was excellent.

Monday, May 12, 2008


This is where I should have stayed all day to finish my work. But I was weak and in need of french fries. So I left and my downfall of laziness began! I CAN'T concentrate when the work is bearing down on me. I can't do it. I'm suffering for it now. Oh! And I'm officially a biology major as of today. Yay for indecision!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Ah Mother's Day. A day in which my family spends time away from each other. My dad decided at 3:30 this morning that he would rather go fishing than hang out with Mum on Mother's Day. I had to work because Susan and Candy have the excuse of being mothers, so it's a given that I have to take over. Not that Sunday's aren't my normal days, just sayin'. I closed early cause I could. We visited Gram, and then had dinner at Acapulco's for the second night in a row. They totally recognized me!


I don't have a picture from today to share, but this one will have to do. I'll wait for Megan or Liz to post their pics so I can steal a good one! Work was dumb, til Lenny, Josh and Liz came in to play! I closed like, a half hour late, but it was awesome anyways. We went to Acupulcos for dinner where I had Chile Colorado (or whatever it's called) which was delicious but way too much to eat. Then drove to Megan's and sat in front of her house to wait for her to get home. Drove to Derby St, where we walked around and shopped a very little since everything was closed. Got beverages and parked ourselves in Megan's living room to play Cranium. Liz and I were slaughtered, and I'm still bitter about THE world series. WAHwah.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


No one will be particularly happy to see this photo, but it describes the night pretty well. Not that it was a bad night by any means! It was relaxing and nice (till I turned it awkward), but pleasant nonetheless. I found out that the Dollar Store is all settled in and open, but will be fined shortly because the fire department disapproved their fire alarm system but they opened anyways. I hope they close because of it! I'm already weary of their skeezy customers.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


This is a sleeping woman that Alabama Cory and I encountered at Castle Island today. She looked a little bit dead. The day there was very nice though! We walked around and made fun of people, read up on some Fort Independence history, made his friends speak in their Southern dialect over the phone, and had delicious frappes from Sullivan's! I even got a suntan on my pasty face, so it was a good trip.


Tonight's Picture
So this will have to do for tonight. I'm burnt out and I don't feel like writing much. But watch the video and hopefully it will make you happy like it does for me. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I totally kicked ass in my bio lab collection project. Full credit! And everyone loved my cute little cacti that I'm growing. That's about as exciting as today got.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The actual final TREOS show was tonight. It was so bittersweet. We got to meet Brendan's baby Parker, be the 5-9th people to get in, watch natural selection occur, and see our favorite and most influential band play for the last time. And I crowd surfed for a total of five seconds! Sweatiest night ever.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I really don't know what to say about today. It took me five seconds to finish my phylogenetic collection, so that was sweet. This picture makes me giggle like a fool. Now I will stay up and write a lab report, torrent a movie I didn't watch in class and then watch and write about it, write a summary of some essays, and then collapse. I'm a total waste of space.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Since most of today was talking about last night, this fits I promise. Let's just say that this picture was the epitome of the ridiculousness that was last night! Today though, I received a switchblade knife care of Megan's dad, ate deliciously unhealthy Wendy's, visited Danica and Ralphie, and drove around all over!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I can't even begin to explain the epic-ness that occurred tonight. Anyone who wasn't there will never understand how wonderful and surprising and perfect the show was, even if the words were possible. I'll definitely edit this post with a different picture another time, cause this one makes no sense. Even when you see it in person, like I did today.

Friday, May 2, 2008


I would like a handy pocket creature. Today was really really long, and makes me wish for summer to get here faster. Both Grey's Anatomy and LOST made me go OMG (during LOST I had a crazy revelation that made me make a face at Mum that had her believe there was some sort of insect near her head), and now I'm just waiting on the Office to do the same.